"I Make My Own Sunshine"
(by Alyssa Bonagura) 
What do you know? I did manage to find the time to post today! I already told y'all about my fun day at the park with my neighbors! Other than that, the main thing I've done is deal with sickly kids all week. Cody didn't go to school at all, and Elizabeth missed most of one day because she wasn't feeling well. Fortunately, she didn't have what Cody had. She ended up going back to school the next day. But poor Cody...his temperature would be fine during the day, and he'd get his hopes up about going to school. Then at night, it would spike again. :/
We had our first training for the people who have volunteered for our local mission next month. Keiljuana & I spent a lot of time {on the phone & on our computers} getting our VBS materials ready for the training folders. We ended up with quite a few volunteers who were a part of it last year, so that made me happy! But we made a few changes in the format, and I was afraid that I'd feel like I had to explain/defend out decisions or something. It turns out that they liked the changes, which made Keiljuana & me glad that we had decided to do things that way. I know there will be unexpected things that come up, and we'll have to be flexible. We still have a lot to do, and I know the week beforehand will probably be crazy. But right now, we feel pretty confident about things. And our team seems excited! :)
I went on a retreat with nearly 100 ladies from my church today & yesterday! I rode with Jana & Felicity and roomed with Amy, Kyla, & Carrie. Jeff & Jourdan Johnson led worship {she has an album coming out on Tuesday!} Jen Wilkin was our speaker, and she was super great! I met some new people, climbed a tree, ate too much, drank a lot of coffee, played games, woke up to the smell of skunk (eeeeww!), got mistaken for my friend Susan (we get that a lot!), and enjoyed bits of time with a lot of wonderful ladies! I really am so blessed to be surrounded by such amazing women. ♥
So I have this bad habit of starting a show that I've recorded but not actually watching it. I'll get busy doing other stuff & realize I've missed half of it. And sometimes I'll rewind, play, & repeat (several times, even). It's only when I find myself humming the song from the Lowe's or Cosmopolitan commercial that I'll remember to fast forward through the commercials & finally pay attention to the show. So that's basically how today's song came about. Y'all probably know me well enough to figure that I'd like this song, huh?! I think it's super cute! :)
Alrighty, I'm off to bed! I hope your weekend is swell! ♥

What do you know? I did manage to find the time to post today! I already told y'all about my fun day at the park with my neighbors! Other than that, the main thing I've done is deal with sickly kids all week. Cody didn't go to school at all, and Elizabeth missed most of one day because she wasn't feeling well. Fortunately, she didn't have what Cody had. She ended up going back to school the next day. But poor Cody...his temperature would be fine during the day, and he'd get his hopes up about going to school. Then at night, it would spike again. :/
We had our first training for the people who have volunteered for our local mission next month. Keiljuana & I spent a lot of time {on the phone & on our computers} getting our VBS materials ready for the training folders. We ended up with quite a few volunteers who were a part of it last year, so that made me happy! But we made a few changes in the format, and I was afraid that I'd feel like I had to explain/defend out decisions or something. It turns out that they liked the changes, which made Keiljuana & me glad that we had decided to do things that way. I know there will be unexpected things that come up, and we'll have to be flexible. We still have a lot to do, and I know the week beforehand will probably be crazy. But right now, we feel pretty confident about things. And our team seems excited! :)
I went on a retreat with nearly 100 ladies from my church today & yesterday! I rode with Jana & Felicity and roomed with Amy, Kyla, & Carrie. Jeff & Jourdan Johnson led worship {she has an album coming out on Tuesday!} Jen Wilkin was our speaker, and she was super great! I met some new people, climbed a tree, ate too much, drank a lot of coffee, played games, woke up to the smell of skunk (eeeeww!), got mistaken for my friend Susan (we get that a lot!), and enjoyed bits of time with a lot of wonderful ladies! I really am so blessed to be surrounded by such amazing women. ♥
So I have this bad habit of starting a show that I've recorded but not actually watching it. I'll get busy doing other stuff & realize I've missed half of it. And sometimes I'll rewind, play, & repeat (several times, even). It's only when I find myself humming the song from the Lowe's or Cosmopolitan commercial that I'll remember to fast forward through the commercials & finally pay attention to the show. So that's basically how today's song came about. Y'all probably know me well enough to figure that I'd like this song, huh?! I think it's super cute! :)
Alrighty, I'm off to bed! I hope your weekend is swell! ♥
