"We're Going to be Friends"

(by Jack Johnson) We're Going to Be Friends - Sing-a-Longs and Lullabies for the Film Curious George

My babies went back to school today...

This is my sweet boy's last year in elementary school :(

And my baby girl is now a 7th grader {in junior high school!}

Can we just freeze time now? Please?!



Brooke said…
you are so old!! :P j/k. hope their first day back went well.
Aww... they are so sweet! I hope they had the best first day of school ever! :)
Zion said…
Brooke is funny. I love the first day pictures on all the blogs and facebooks.
You're kids look terrific. Loved the song you chose too. Hope you'll tell your daughter about Project Inspired! http://www.projectinspired.com/

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