(by Art Garfunkel)
Since yesterday was the first day of school (hence there was an actual theme song), I'm a day late with my gratefulness post! I fully intend on continuing this every week at least until I reach one thousand. This week I am incredibly thankful for...
What are you thankful for today? {& if you know of any songs that would be good for my One Thousand Gifts posts, please let me know! I figure I'll need about 40 of them! & I could use some help, as evidenced by today's song. Great words, but I must say I like him better with Simon}
"Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances,
for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."
I Thessalonians 5:16-18

Since yesterday was the first day of school (hence there was an actual theme song), I'm a day late with my gratefulness post! I fully intend on continuing this every week at least until I reach one thousand. This week I am incredibly thankful for...
- A new school year
- The peacocks welcoming us back to school {I would love to have that kind of traffic jam every day!}
- My kids' teachers
- Cody's concern for his little Kindergarten friends {One was on the bus, & when he got off he had me call her mom to let her know she was OK. The other one wasn't on the bus, so he had me call & make sure she had been picked up!}
- My snuggly little friend Caleb
- His big sister Clara Belle
- Their parents {I'm tempted to write something here that THEY would think is hilarious, but everybody else would totally misinterpret. I'll refrain ~ but Jana, you totally know what I'd like to say!!}
- & their grandparents (who warm my heart! ♥)
- Moms in Touch
- Coffee with my friend Desiree
- Thoughtful "back-to-school" texts :)
- BBQ with friends {two days in a row!!}
- The IFI Program
- My super flexible part-time job
- Mad typing skills
- The funds to pre-buy "The Reckoning"
- Chapstick
- Gum
- Pens
- Mr. Clean Magic Eraser
- Finding out that I made someone smile :)
- Snuggling with my kids when I wake them up in the morning
- Snuggling with my kids when I tuck them in at night
- Lunch with a new friend :)
- My little neighbor who greeted my by saying, "You're gorgeous!"

What are you thankful for today? {& if you know of any songs that would be good for my One Thousand Gifts posts, please let me know! I figure I'll need about 40 of them! & I could use some help, as evidenced by today's song. Great words, but I must say I like him better with Simon}
for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."
I Thessalonians 5:16-18

i'm thankful that God never gives up on us (see my blog post today)
as simple as this post is, it was SO encouraging and challenging to me. i forget to be thankful for the small things in life (that sounds so incredibly cleche'!) and i need to be reminded of that. :)