"Let Us Love"
If you're friends with me on facebook, then you may already know about this. Otherwise, I have exciting news!To make a long story short Never mind, you know me...
I normally use my FM transmitter to listen to my iPod or iPhone when I'm out & about. Unfortunately, I discovered yesterday that my cigarette lighter/power thingamajiggy (that I plug the transmitter in to) is no longer working, so I had to listen to the radio. My regular station was playing Christmas music, & I didn't really care for the particular song that was on. So I started flipping through the other stations that we have programmed, & I came upon 103.7 FM. The DJ said that she was about to talk to NEEDTOBREATHE live in the studio.
You know how I feel about NEEDTOBREATHE, so I waited through several songs & decided against running into the store just so I could hear them! They talked some & performed "The Outsiders". The DJ was describing how she felt when she heard them sing it live in the studio, and I had a little twinge of sadness for only being able to hear it through the radio airwaves. For the record, I had known that they were coming to town. While I would've loved to have seen them, I have no extra room in the budget for concert tickets. So, I basically forgot about it. Plus, I can listen to their CDs any time I want...
Anyways, I was almost home, but I wanted to hear everything that they had to say. So I decided to stop for gas, & I even left the radio on while I pumped so I wouldn't miss a word! After they performed "Prisoner" (& sounded awesome, of course), the DJ announced that they were going to give away tickets to the show that night. I never win that type of thing, but I decided to give it a try. The phone rang until the recorded voice told me that my call couldn't go through. I tried again & got cut off. I decided to try one more time & learned that persistence is the key. Because {you may want to hold your ears while I scream}...

{Good thing I got gas, huh? 'Cuz I needed it to drive in to Houston!}

My mister & I got to stand just a few feet away from the stage

If I had a decent camera, I would've had some awesome pictures!

We were very close to Seth (the bass player ~ which is cool, 'cuz my mister plays bass. We always seem to stand near the bass player. What's up with that?)

{Ya, I know. Not the best pic, but it's during "Girl Named Tennessee". Can you hear him saying, "Ooh, ooh..."? Love.}
Every time Bo came close, he moved around too much for me to get a good shot!

{He had been closer than this, but that pic was really blurry! I was just using a point & shoot}
Bear didn't get very close to us ('cuz he was singing most of the time), so this was as good as I could get.

For their 1st encore, they did an acoustic version of "Valley of Tomorrow" without mics or anything. I think I could write an entire blog post just. about. this. I just may do that sometime. Sigh.

{this was the only time we could see Joe, the drummer}
We hadn't heard "The Outsiders" yet, & I was right when I figured they'd finish with that!

There were just a few songs that I was disappointed not to hear (mostly older ones), but they didn't have time to sing ALL of my favorites! ;) This experience wasn't quite as cool as hanging out with Brandon when he played with Seabird, but it was pretty awesome. Because I love NEEDTOBREATHE I think I may have said that a time or two. Or maybe three or four. (OK, fine, maybe more than that!)
I can't decide what part of last night was my favorite, so it was really hard to pick a song for this post. "Valley of Tomorrow" was definitely one of the highlights (as mentioned earlier). I loved "Lay 'Em Down" & "Something Beautiful", too. "More Time" was also great. I finally decided on "Let Us Love" for today, because I've already posted a couple of the ones I mentioned, & I'll probably post the others later! & because it's awesome. The whole thing was pretty much awesome sauce. I'll leave you with one more picture, just in case you haven't seen enough! ;)

Let us love
Like we were children
Make us feel
Like we’re still living
In a world I know that’s burning to the ground
Give us time
To beat the system
Make us find
What we’ve been missing
In a world I know that’s burning to the ground

If you're friends with me on facebook, then you may already know about this. Otherwise, I have exciting news!
I normally use my FM transmitter to listen to my iPod or iPhone when I'm out & about. Unfortunately, I discovered yesterday that my cigarette lighter/power thingamajiggy (that I plug the transmitter in to) is no longer working, so I had to listen to the radio. My regular station was playing Christmas music, & I didn't really care for the particular song that was on. So I started flipping through the other stations that we have programmed, & I came upon 103.7 FM. The DJ said that she was about to talk to NEEDTOBREATHE live in the studio.
You know how I feel about NEEDTOBREATHE, so I waited through several songs & decided against running into the store just so I could hear them! They talked some & performed "The Outsiders". The DJ was describing how she felt when she heard them sing it live in the studio, and I had a little twinge of sadness for only being able to hear it through the radio airwaves. For the record, I had known that they were coming to town. While I would've loved to have seen them, I have no extra room in the budget for concert tickets. So, I basically forgot about it. Plus, I can listen to their CDs any time I want...
Anyways, I was almost home, but I wanted to hear everything that they had to say. So I decided to stop for gas, & I even left the radio on while I pumped so I wouldn't miss a word! After they performed "Prisoner" (& sounded awesome, of course), the DJ announced that they were going to give away tickets to the show that night. I never win that type of thing, but I decided to give it a try. The phone rang until the recorded voice told me that my call couldn't go through. I tried again & got cut off. I decided to try one more time & learned that persistence is the key. Because {you may want to hold your ears while I scream}...
{Good thing I got gas, huh? 'Cuz I needed it to drive in to Houston!}
My mister & I got to stand just a few feet away from the stage
If I had a decent camera, I would've had some awesome pictures!
We were very close to Seth (the bass player ~ which is cool, 'cuz my mister plays bass. We always seem to stand near the bass player. What's up with that?)
{Ya, I know. Not the best pic, but it's during "Girl Named Tennessee". Can you hear him saying, "Ooh, ooh..."? Love.}
Every time Bo came close, he moved around too much for me to get a good shot!
{He had been closer than this, but that pic was really blurry! I was just using a point & shoot}
Bear didn't get very close to us ('cuz he was singing most of the time), so this was as good as I could get.
For their 1st encore, they did an acoustic version of "Valley of Tomorrow" without mics or anything. I think I could write an entire blog post just. about. this. I just may do that sometime. Sigh.
{this was the only time we could see Joe, the drummer}
We hadn't heard "The Outsiders" yet, & I was right when I figured they'd finish with that!

There were just a few songs that I was disappointed not to hear (mostly older ones), but they didn't have time to sing ALL of my favorites! ;) This experience wasn't quite as cool as hanging out with Brandon when he played with Seabird, but it was pretty awesome. Because I love NEEDTOBREATHE I think I may have said that a time or two. Or maybe three or four. (OK, fine, maybe more than that!)
I can't decide what part of last night was my favorite, so it was really hard to pick a song for this post. "Valley of Tomorrow" was definitely one of the highlights (as mentioned earlier). I loved "Lay 'Em Down" & "Something Beautiful", too. "More Time" was also great. I finally decided on "Let Us Love" for today, because I've already posted a couple of the ones I mentioned, & I'll probably post the others later! & because it's awesome. The whole thing was pretty much awesome sauce. I'll leave you with one more picture, just in case you haven't seen enough! ;)
Like we were children
Make us feel
Like we’re still living
In a world I know that’s burning to the ground
Give us time
To beat the system
Make us find
What we’ve been missing
In a world I know that’s burning to the ground
