"Arms Around Me"
(by Hawk Nelson) 
I have loved this song since the album came out 2 or 3 years ago. I really can't believe I haven't posted it before! I'm not sure what put it at the top this week, though I have to be honest & say that there were several songs with the same amount of plays (once I excluded the Jonas L.A. soundtrack that my baby girl chose one day). I had my ipod on "shuffle", but had 5 songs repeated twice. How does that happen? I have plenty of songs on there, so I don't quite understand that.
Anyways, I ღ Hawk Nelson! I've probably said that a time or two, and I'm sure I'll say it again. My favorite part of this song (in addition to the chorus) is the 2nd verse. It sorta goes along with the theme of yesterday's post:
"You're always near me, even when it's ugly
Even when I'm screaming up to You
I'm thankful for Your mercy
You always seem to hear me
It's not always easy to push through"
Good stuff!
I hope you're having a super great weekend!

I have loved this song since the album came out 2 or 3 years ago. I really can't believe I haven't posted it before! I'm not sure what put it at the top this week, though I have to be honest & say that there were several songs with the same amount of plays (once I excluded the Jonas L.A. soundtrack that my baby girl chose one day). I had my ipod on "shuffle", but had 5 songs repeated twice. How does that happen? I have plenty of songs on there, so I don't quite understand that.
Anyways, I ღ Hawk Nelson! I've probably said that a time or two, and I'm sure I'll say it again. My favorite part of this song (in addition to the chorus) is the 2nd verse. It sorta goes along with the theme of yesterday's post:
Even when I'm screaming up to You
I'm thankful for Your mercy
You always seem to hear me
It's not always easy to push through"
Good stuff!
I hope you're having a super great weekend!
