"Better When Shared"
(by Abby Baker)
I have exciting news ~ both for YOU & for ME! Abby Baker has a new album coming out on Saturday, which is super exciting for me!! But you should get excited, too, because I'm doing a little pay-it-forward type of thing. Since Dan bought my first Abby Baker CD at the same time that he bought his, I'm going to buy one of you an Abby Baker CD at the same time that I buy mine. Sound good? We'll call it my Pay it Forward Giveaway. The winner will not be obligated to pay it forward, but I ask that you consider doing so the next time you're buying yourself some tunes that you like. Deal?
So this is how it'll work: just leave me a comment telling me that you'd like it. That's all. If your settings don't allow me to email you back (& I don't know you personally or have a way to contact you), then you can use the "Email Me" button just under my header so I have a way of notifying you that you won. You can earn more entries by posting on facebook, tweeting, or whatever. I know that's vague, but I want you to decide what you want to do to tell the world about Abby Baker! You don't have to mention me ~> just promote Abby a little and come back here to let me know what you did. You have until midnight on May 12, 2012 (the day her album comes out). Be creative. You can earn extra entries for creativity. Again, there's no reason to mention me. I just want to get the word out about this sweet girl and give one of you a CD. Because things really are better when shared, no? {Did you see how I did that? "Better When Shared"...Mmm hmm. 'cuz I'm cool like that!} :D
***The giveaway is now closed, but check out this video about the album I gave away. It's super! You should totally buy it!!***
I have exciting news ~ both for YOU & for ME! Abby Baker has a new album coming out on Saturday, which is super exciting for me!! But you should get excited, too, because I'm doing a little pay-it-forward type of thing. Since Dan bought my first Abby Baker CD at the same time that he bought his, I'm going to buy one of you an Abby Baker CD at the same time that I buy mine. Sound good? We'll call it my Pay it Forward Giveaway. The winner will not be obligated to pay it forward, but I ask that you consider doing so the next time you're buying yourself some tunes that you like. Deal?
So this is how it'll work: just leave me a comment telling me that you'd like it. That's all. If your settings don't allow me to email you back (& I don't know you personally or have a way to contact you), then you can use the "Email Me" button just under my header so I have a way of notifying you that you won. You can earn more entries by posting on facebook, tweeting, or whatever. I know that's vague, but I want you to decide what you want to do to tell the world about Abby Baker! You don't have to mention me ~> just promote Abby a little and come back here to let me know what you did. You have until midnight on May 12, 2012 (the day her album comes out). Be creative. You can earn extra entries for creativity. Again, there's no reason to mention me. I just want to get the word out about this sweet girl and give one of you a CD. Because things really are better when shared, no? {Did you see how I did that? "Better When Shared"...Mmm hmm. 'cuz I'm cool like that!} :D
***The giveaway is now closed, but check out this video about the album I gave away. It's super! You should totally buy it!!***
