"Be Thankful"
(by Natalie Cole) 
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I love the spirit of thankfulness that usually occurs during November, though I wish it would last all year long. That's what's great about this whole "One Thousand Gifts" thing! I plan on continuing my list once I reach one thousand, though I don't know if I'll continue to post it on here or not. Anyways, today I am thankful for...

And you? What are you thankful for?

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I love the spirit of thankfulness that usually occurs during November, though I wish it would last all year long. That's what's great about this whole "One Thousand Gifts" thing! I plan on continuing my list once I reach one thousand, though I don't know if I'll continue to post it on here or not. Anyways, today I am thankful for...
- My dad {whose birthday is today!!}
- Lunch with Sam & two of her little men
- The kids getting to hang out with their cousins over the break
- Burn cream {Yes, I burned myself again. This time it's not quite a smiley face, but it looks like it's trying to smile! I'm not good about taking/using medication, but by day 2 it was all blistery & red. Medicine can be a good thing, in case you didn't know!}
- Tank tops
- Baby girl winning the Principal's Award!
- An email with the subject line, "It's time, friend" inviting me to cross something off my list! {I can't wait to tell you about this one!!}
- My brother's family {who hosted our Thankgsiving dinner}
- A family that gathers peacefully on holidays
- New inexpensive furniture from friends {yet another item from my list that I can't wait to complete & tell you about!}
- A super cute new devo/blogging/TV watching spot
- Early Christmas presents {that we've been waiting for for years!}
- A friend with a pickup truck
- A friend who lets me hide Christmas presents in her garage ~ even though her daughter had to stand outside where it was "freakin' freezin'" to avoid seeing {& accidentally telling my kids about} the presents! ;)
- A package in the mail from my friend Mandy!
- Christmas decorations that bring back happy memories
- The kids being old enough to do the tree almost entirely by themselves {& it actually looking good!}
- Laughing with my family while watching Elf
- The guards [who had originally insisted that we would have to be outside for the duration of our visit with my brother] relenting & allowing us to go inside once tables were available {it felt like 40 degrees with wind gusts that no lie almost blew me off my feet. Twice!}
- Getting to be a part of my dad's birthday tradition at Live Oak Grill {the best steak fingers since his hometown DQ closed ~ not your typical steak fingers, ftr}
- A working heater {finally had a reason to turn it on overnight!}
- Warm boots {is it crazy that tank tops & warm boots are on the same list? Crazy Texas weather!}
- Painting with my little neighbors
- An impromtu hang out day with their mom
- It's finally the time of year to listen to Relient K's Let it Snow Baby...Let it Reindeer!

And you? What are you thankful for?

happy bday to your dad!