"Jesus Loves Me"
(by Christy Knockels) 
I finished reading the book of John this week, and I just love the fact that he refers to himself as "the disciple whom Jesus loved"! I don't know if he simply had a deeper understanding of the love of the Lord, or if he thought he was the favorite one. ;) But either way, he knew that Jesus loved him.
As children, we could easily sing today's song. I'm sure that some of us sang it just because everyone else was. But I know that as innocent children, many of us believed it. I used to sing it in "Junior Church" with Mr. Young when I was three, and I believed it. That was before life's circumstances (and my own sin) caused me to feel unloved and unworthy of love. And I spent a good deal of the following years trying to earn His love {I've blogged about this at least once!} I've come a long way, and (thank God) I don't feel that way anymore. But I know I'm not the only one who has felt this way (or maybe still does). I think it's easy for us to tell another person that Jesus loves them. But how often do we say it about ourselves? Do you hear grown ups say, "Jesus loves me" very often?
Oh, that we would all be able to comprehend His love to the point that we refer to ourselves as the one whom Jesus loves! ♥ Can you say it today? And believe it? Oh friend, He does. He loves you so much!
My prayer for you is this: that you may “have the power to understand, as all God's people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep His love really is.” (Eph 3:18)

{the one whom Jesus loves!}

I finished reading the book of John this week, and I just love the fact that he refers to himself as "the disciple whom Jesus loved"! I don't know if he simply had a deeper understanding of the love of the Lord, or if he thought he was the favorite one. ;) But either way, he knew that Jesus loved him.
As children, we could easily sing today's song. I'm sure that some of us sang it just because everyone else was. But I know that as innocent children, many of us believed it. I used to sing it in "Junior Church" with Mr. Young when I was three, and I believed it. That was before life's circumstances (and my own sin) caused me to feel unloved and unworthy of love. And I spent a good deal of the following years trying to earn His love {I've blogged about this at least once!} I've come a long way, and (thank God) I don't feel that way anymore. But I know I'm not the only one who has felt this way (or maybe still does). I think it's easy for us to tell another person that Jesus loves them. But how often do we say it about ourselves? Do you hear grown ups say, "Jesus loves me" very often?
Oh, that we would all be able to comprehend His love to the point that we refer to ourselves as the one whom Jesus loves! ♥ Can you say it today? And believe it? Oh friend, He does. He loves you so much!
My prayer for you is this: that you may “have the power to understand, as all God's people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep His love really is.” (Eph 3:18)

{the one whom Jesus loves!}