"Sin is Powerless"
(by Ross King)
**There's a problem with iTunes linkmaker at the moment, but you can go to iTunes, search for the album, and preview all of the songs. I wanted to the get this posted as soon as possible, and I don't have time to unlink everything. Once the links are able to be fixed, I'll fix them!** They're working now!
I'm sorry I've been MIA around here. I just haven't had a spare moment to post anything until now! But my friend Ross King came out with a new album, This Hope Will Guide Me, this week! I'm most excited about today's song {I have been waiting on a recording of it for around two years!!} but I can't find a version to post for y'all. You can listen to part of it on iTunes, though. And obviously, you could buy it, too. If I were you, I'd buy the whole album.*
Though I've been MIA on Twitter for even longer than this blog, I've been posting some of the album lyrics on there throughout the day (because they're super), and I thought I'd share some with you, too. Though I'm not limited to 140 characters each, I'll try to be brief...
You are peace when war is all around us. You are rest when our souls are tired. (from "Evermore")
Oh, God, You've overtaken us. You never stop. You won't give up. You're stronger than our sin. We know Your love is real and true. It comes to heal us through and through, time and time again. Your kindness knows no end. Who is this God who keeps on chasing after us even in our sin? What is this kindness You have shown us? Waves and waves of love come crashing in. (from "Your Kindness Knows No End")
Unbroken, relentless, Your love for me is endless. I have but one response. Hands open, defenseless, unguarded in Your presence. This is where I belong. (from "My One Response")
Praise the One who climbed the hill & stormed the very gates of hell & went to war with death itself to win my soul. (from "Win My Soul")
There is no guilt, no shame, no hold on us. You are victorious. And there is no curse, no blame, no fear in love. Now sin is powerless. (from "Sin Is Powerless")
OK, I'll stop now, but know that there's much more where that came from!
*Were you wondering what the asterisk was about? Well...I've decided that the album is so good that I want to give one of you a copy. {I'd actually love to give all of you a copy, but I can't quite afford to do that!} Like my previous giveaways, all you have to do to enter is leave me a comment saying that you'd like to win this super great album. If your settings don't allow me to email you back through the comments, you can use the "Email Me" button instead (so I can contact you if you win). If you tweet about it or something, you can earn another entry. You don't have to mention me or my blog, just mention Ross and his new album. I'm not trying to gain anything from this. I just think more people need to hear the truth in this album. You have until Saturday, August 17th, at noon (CST). I'll have one of my sweet kids draw a name, and I'll post the winner in my normal Saturday post. {This means I have to actually post on Saturday!} Just let me now what you've done by the deadline! ♥
***the giveaway is now closed, but you should totally check out Ross King's music***
***the giveaway is now closed, but you should totally check out Ross King's music***

of course I love winning free music - off to tweet about it now