"Holding on to Hope"
(by Jenny & Tyler) 
Another year is coming to a close, so it's time for my recap of 2011. As a disclaimer: I promise I don't intend for it to come off as one of those Christmas newsletters where you read about my perfect kids & perfect life. That's not at all how I see myself or my life {though my kids are pretty close ~ ha ha!} I think those letters (& these posts) are an opportunity to express the positive things that happen throughout the year. Ya know? I really don't think most people intend for it to be boasting so much as highlighting. I think that most of you know my heart & know that I'm generally pretty open about the negative parts of life as well as the positive. OK, enough of that! On to my year...
Cody turned 10 in January! TEN! How did that happen?! He truly is the most amazing ten-year-old that I know. He started a little recycling project in the neighborhood this spring. In the summer, he moved up to the PreTeen class at church & has enjoyed the activities offered there. He won the "I Am Third" award at camp (that brought tears to his mama's eyes). He also preached his first sermon this summer! In 5th grade this fall, he was the only person in his school to have competed in the Science Olympiad all three years {& he won two medals!} He is such a sweet & funny boy. I really can't say enough good things about him!

In the spring, the kids & I participated in a local mission trip that I hope is only the beginning of their involvement in ministry. Our summer went by super quick! The kids spent a week at my brother's house in order to attend music camp with their cousins (while I spent some time at Jana's parents'). They also both went to church camp, and the kids & I helped out with VBS. Our family had a wonderful time on our vacation.

Chris & I celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary in July! It's amazing how quickly time has flown by!

My baby girl became a teenager in October! I seriously can't believe that I'm the mother of a teenager already! Elly is such a sweet girl & a great student. She entered the student ministry this summer, & so far she's cool with me being in there! {She even talks to me sometimes, though I try to give her her space!} This fall, she won the Principal's Award for the 2nd six weeks, and she also received an award for Most Oustanding in ELA. She still loves to read, and writing is one of her passions. Her ELA teacher has her read aloud everything she writes for class, including the paper she wrote about her dad. She chose art as her elective again, and she is loving it! I am really enjoying the amazing young woman she has become, and I thoroughly enjoy spending time with her.

As far as Christopher's health is concerned, he is doing as well as he was this time last year. His scans were clear in January & again in July. The doctors continue to monitor his eye pressure & watch for signs of glaucoma. His vision is now CF at face, but there has been no new radiation damage since July. They have decided that it would be best for him to have the cataract removed, though we don't expect his vision to improve as a result.
Overall, this year has been really good. One huge burden was lifted when we finally PAID OFF OUR DEBT!!! Through a lot of the year, I struggled emotionally, though. In continuing to seek God through my struggles, I finally got to a better place and am truly thankful for everything that God has shown me through it all. I have a greater hope ~ not in my circumstances, but in Him. And I am holding on to that {& to Him} with all that I am.

Another year is coming to a close, so it's time for my recap of 2011. As a disclaimer: I promise I don't intend for it to come off as one of those Christmas newsletters where you read about my perfect kids & perfect life. That's not at all how I see myself or my life {though my kids are pretty close ~ ha ha!} I think those letters (& these posts) are an opportunity to express the positive things that happen throughout the year. Ya know? I really don't think most people intend for it to be boasting so much as highlighting. I think that most of you know my heart & know that I'm generally pretty open about the negative parts of life as well as the positive. OK, enough of that! On to my year...
Cody turned 10 in January! TEN! How did that happen?! He truly is the most amazing ten-year-old that I know. He started a little recycling project in the neighborhood this spring. In the summer, he moved up to the PreTeen class at church & has enjoyed the activities offered there. He won the "I Am Third" award at camp (that brought tears to his mama's eyes). He also preached his first sermon this summer! In 5th grade this fall, he was the only person in his school to have competed in the Science Olympiad all three years {& he won two medals!} He is such a sweet & funny boy. I really can't say enough good things about him!

In the spring, the kids & I participated in a local mission trip that I hope is only the beginning of their involvement in ministry. Our summer went by super quick! The kids spent a week at my brother's house in order to attend music camp with their cousins (while I spent some time at Jana's parents'). They also both went to church camp, and the kids & I helped out with VBS. Our family had a wonderful time on our vacation.
Chris & I celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary in July! It's amazing how quickly time has flown by!
My baby girl became a teenager in October! I seriously can't believe that I'm the mother of a teenager already! Elly is such a sweet girl & a great student. She entered the student ministry this summer, & so far she's cool with me being in there! {She even talks to me sometimes, though I try to give her her space!} This fall, she won the Principal's Award for the 2nd six weeks, and she also received an award for Most Oustanding in ELA. She still loves to read, and writing is one of her passions. Her ELA teacher has her read aloud everything she writes for class, including the paper she wrote about her dad. She chose art as her elective again, and she is loving it! I am really enjoying the amazing young woman she has become, and I thoroughly enjoy spending time with her.
As far as Christopher's health is concerned, he is doing as well as he was this time last year. His scans were clear in January & again in July. The doctors continue to monitor his eye pressure & watch for signs of glaucoma. His vision is now CF at face, but there has been no new radiation damage since July. They have decided that it would be best for him to have the cataract removed, though we don't expect his vision to improve as a result.
Overall, this year has been really good. One huge burden was lifted when we finally PAID OFF OUR DEBT!!! Through a lot of the year, I struggled emotionally, though. In continuing to seek God through my struggles, I finally got to a better place and am truly thankful for everything that God has shown me through it all. I have a greater hope ~ not in my circumstances, but in Him. And I am holding on to that {& to Him} with all that I am.

ps - no way you're old enough to be married 15 years. yall get married at 14 or something?