"I Hate Christmas Parties"
(by Relient K) 
Day 6 in the 12 Days of Christmas Song Challenge is: song that makes you sad. I'm sure there are other sad Christmas songs, but this is my favorite sad one. I think you should be proud of me for not posting a Relient K song until now (other than the one to introduce the challenge).
For the record: I actually love Christmas parties. And I especially love the student ministry's Tacky Christmas Sweater party that my baby girl & I went to tonight! We actually had a hard time finding tacky sweaters. I don't know if we waited to shop until too late in the season or what. But Wade actually encouraged head to toe tackiness, so I think we did good. You'll have to excuse the pictures of me with my girl. Cody took them, & he has a hard time being still. But I wanted you to see a couple of our awkward poses...

Here are just a few of the girls in their tacky attire:

The girl on the left made her entire outfit!

& here I am with most of the other adult leaders at the party...

Back to the original reason for this post...is there a Christmas song that makes you sad?

Day 6 in the 12 Days of Christmas Song Challenge is: song that makes you sad. I'm sure there are other sad Christmas songs, but this is my favorite sad one. I think you should be proud of me for not posting a Relient K song until now (other than the one to introduce the challenge).
For the record: I actually love Christmas parties. And I especially love the student ministry's Tacky Christmas Sweater party that my baby girl & I went to tonight! We actually had a hard time finding tacky sweaters. I don't know if we waited to shop until too late in the season or what. But Wade actually encouraged head to toe tackiness, so I think we did good. You'll have to excuse the pictures of me with my girl. Cody took them, & he has a hard time being still. But I wanted you to see a couple of our awkward poses...
Here are just a few of the girls in their tacky attire:
The girl on the left made her entire outfit!
& here I am with most of the other adult leaders at the party...
Back to the original reason for this post...is there a Christmas song that makes you sad?
