"Random Thoughts"
(by Bop) 
I totally stole this idea from Lauren ~ she posted this little fill-in-the-blank last week...
Maybe I should stop whining about stuff!
I love hearing my kids laugh with each other.
People would say that I'm quirky.
I don't understand why some people claim to love Jesus but live in a way that turns people away from Him.
When I wake up in the morning I have a cup of hot tea as soon as possible!
I lost my mind...just kidding!
Life is full of chances to make memories.
My past is full of pain, good times, sadness, laughter, questions, the faithfulness of God.
I get annoyed when people drive slower than the speed limit in the fast lane!
Parties are fun when they're with great friends &/or family.
I wish I had more patience.
Tomorrow I am going with my dad to see my baby brother.
I have low tolerance for people who are constantly making excuses for their behavior.
I'm totally terrified of my husband's cancer spreading.
I wonder why I God blessed me with such great kids.
Never in my life have I been completely happy with how I look.
High School was filled with goofy times with my friends!
When I'm nervous I talk. A lot. About really random stuff.
Take my advice: don't try to go through life without Jesus.
Making my bed makes me feel like the whole house is clean!
I'm almost always in the mood for chocolate.
I'm addicted to caffeine.
I want someone to find a cure for Ocular Melanoma.
For more caffeinated randomness, check out:
I hope you have a super great weekend!!

I totally stole this idea from Lauren ~ she posted this little fill-in-the-blank last week...
Maybe I should stop whining about stuff!
I love hearing my kids laugh with each other.
People would say that I'm quirky.
I don't understand why some people claim to love Jesus but live in a way that turns people away from Him.
When I wake up in the morning I have a cup of hot tea as soon as possible!
I lost my mind...just kidding!
Life is full of chances to make memories.
My past is full of pain, good times, sadness, laughter, questions, the faithfulness of God.
I get annoyed when people drive slower than the speed limit in the fast lane!
Parties are fun when they're with great friends &/or family.
I wish I had more patience.
Tomorrow I am going with my dad to see my baby brother.
I have low tolerance for people who are constantly making excuses for their behavior.
I'm totally terrified of my husband's cancer spreading.
I wonder why I God blessed me with such great kids.
Never in my life have I been completely happy with how I look.
High School was filled with goofy times with my friends!
When I'm nervous I talk. A lot. About really random stuff.
Take my advice: don't try to go through life without Jesus.
Making my bed makes me feel like the whole house is clean!
I'm almost always in the mood for chocolate.
I'm addicted to caffeine.
I want someone to find a cure for Ocular Melanoma.
For more caffeinated randomness, check out:

I hope you have a super great weekend!!

I hear you on the patience... that is something I am working on too!
Praying for your family and your husband.
I'm an obsessive bed-maker (if it goes unmade all day, I have to make it before I get in...OCD anyone?) and I live on caffeine, too. I also am confused by people who profess to follow Jesus but are not in alignment with what they say...Again, so much I could echo.
Love your beautiful blog and will pray for your family!
Thanks for your comment on my blog. I responded to your comment on my blog. Just wanted to let you know. :)