"Will Never Marry"

(by Morrissey) Morrissey - Bona Drag - Will Never Marry

As I've mentioned a couple of times already, my dad & I went to Oklahoma for a few days. I'm sure it comes as no surprise that I was unable to make it the entire weekend without a MISspeak! Actually, I'm not sure how to classify this one. Either I misspoke, or Jarrod misunderstood. Whatever way you want to look at it, I thought it fit with this series...

At brunch on Saturday, my cousin Christin's fiancé asked how long I had been married. After telling him that it'll be 14 years in July, he said, "Fourteen years! Do you have any advice?"

I responded with, "Keep dating!"

With a surprised look on his face, Jarrod said, "And don't get married?!"

Everyone started laughing, because they knew that wasn't what I meant! They teased that Christin was giving me the "evil eye" for advising Jarrod not to get married! Of course, that's not what I meant at all! For the record, my intention was to encourage them to continue to date even after marriage! I think it's so important for a married couple to keep doing the little things they did when they were dating...notes on each others' windshields, sweet &/or thoughtful acts of service, taking the time to plan a date, & whatever else you do to show that you care.

Though this probably won't become one of my "famous" misspeaks, it gave us a good laugh at the time! Have you ever said something with good intentions, only to have it be misinterpreted as quite the opposite of what you meant?


Brooke said…
jay and i actually went on a date last weekend - to a sit down restaurant and everything! but that is certainly something we don't do enough of.
RR Mama said…
Hubs and I try to have date night once a month. Even if we only go window shop at the mall. You just need a night to yourselves. Just because you are married doesn't mean you should stop dating. I totally got what you meant. And you are so right!

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