"Rock What You Got (Fight Underdog Fight! Mix)"
(by Superchick) 
I'm sure you realize by now that I received my CD! I was quite happy & have listened to it all week long! It's mostly a remix CD, but I still like it. I may or may not have bought it solely for the remix titles! They go something like this...
Today turned out to be "Impromptu Date Day" for my mister & me! Cody had plans to go to Alex's after our neighbor's birthday party, where he was going to see a movie & spend the night. We were just going to hang out with our baby girl, but she got invited to a friend's for a play date, too! So, Chris & I took advantage of the opportunity & went for a coffee date!

Then, Elly ended up spending the night at her friend's house. After she came & got her clothes, we were like, "Well, we still have that Landry's gift card from Christmas..." So, we went out for dinner, too! What a nice end to the day! :)
On an entirely different note, if you didn't see the post on my brother's birthday (or even if you did), you should totally go check it out ~ I added a picture from high school, complete with big bangs {mine, not his}!
I hope the rest of your weekend is super!

I'm sure you realize by now that I received my CD! I was quite happy & have listened to it all week long! It's mostly a remix CD, but I still like it. I may or may not have bought it solely for the remix titles! They go something like this...
- Karaoke Superstars (Shiny Car Advert Mix)
- One and Lonely (Chick Flick Mix)
- Bowling Ball (Not That Into You Mix)
- Wishes (Teens Falling In/Out Of Love Mix)
Today turned out to be "Impromptu Date Day" for my mister & me! Cody had plans to go to Alex's after our neighbor's birthday party, where he was going to see a movie & spend the night. We were just going to hang out with our baby girl, but she got invited to a friend's for a play date, too! So, Chris & I took advantage of the opportunity & went for a coffee date!
Then, Elly ended up spending the night at her friend's house. After she came & got her clothes, we were like, "Well, we still have that Landry's gift card from Christmas..." So, we went out for dinner, too! What a nice end to the day! :)
On an entirely different note, if you didn't see the post on my brother's birthday (or even if you did), you should totally go check it out ~ I added a picture from high school, complete with big bangs {mine, not his}!
I hope the rest of your weekend is super!

i like your shirt in the photo - yellow is such a pretty color!