"Kids of the Future"
(by the Jonas Brothers) 
Once again, I will forego my usual "Scrobbled Saturday" post due to an actual theme song {imagine that!}I can't actually add the song to my playlist right now, because I'm posting this from a junior high cafeteria on my iPhone without wifi. [I added it at home later!] Cody & I are at the Science Olympiad. It's quite fitting for me to say that I'm in a room full of "kids of the future" like in the movie Meet the Robinsons. (Amy B, if you're reading this, I just talked to Raney!) Sorry to cut this short, but I'm afraid I look rude and unapproachable at the end of the table by myself, hidden inside my sweater {because it's freezing} developing carpal tunnel. Please forgive any typos due to autocorrect & numb fingers! I'll try to post again soon with pictures & rambling tales of my latest happenings, including (but not limited to) my garden, the providential nail lady, my brilliant children & warming up the house (OK, ya, not literally because it's still 80 degrees here!) Have a super great weekend!!
Here's a picture of my cute boy waiting for his next event!

Once again, I will forego my usual "Scrobbled Saturday" post due to an actual theme song {imagine that!}
Here's a picture of my cute boy waiting for his next event!
