"Little Things"
(by Lamb) 
I'm continuing my list on a Monday!!! How about that?! If you haven't taken the time to appreciate all of the little gifts that you have in life, I hope you will soon. Life is so much brighter when you focus on God & His blessings. Today I am grateful for...

What's on your list today?

I'm continuing my list on a Monday!!! How about that?! If you haven't taken the time to appreciate all of the little gifts that you have in life, I hope you will soon. Life is so much brighter when you focus on God & His blessings. Today I am grateful for...
- My Bible study girls
- Seeing (& benefitting from) community and accountability in my Bible study girls
- My health
- Reflective window tinting {now I can tell if it's creepy old neighbor guy at the door or Kristi & her cute kids. And I will open the door accordingly!}
- The opportunity to babysit my little friend {who loves his "Auntie Amy"!}
- Cantaloupe
- Reusable bags
- Reusable water bottles
- Ladies Game Night at church
- School holidays so I can sleep in :)
- Days when I don't have to be somewhere by a certain time
- Days when I can just veg on Amy's couch & watch TV
- My kids getting along (most of the time)!
- Catching up with the little sister of my best friend in middle school
- Excedrin Migraine
- My baby brother feeling protective of me ♥
- Friends who share their Astros tickets
- Enjoying the company of a super cute three-year-old boy :)
- Spending time with some of the sweetest, most beautiful teenage girls on the planet ♥
- Messages of love from my beautiful cousin Kendra
- Long emails from my friend in England
- Another mom to carpool with
- An extra 45 minutes each morning that I don't drive carpool!
- God's promise that He is with us when we are gathered in His name (Matt 18:20)
- Seeing answer to prayer in our Moms In Touch group!

What's on your list today?
