"Snow Day"
(by Rosie Thomas) 
...or not! I guess you could call it a Sleet/Freezing Rain/Icy Road Day. Boy, is my son disappointed! School is out, but he doesn't get to have the fun day he had anticipated. I tried to prepare him for the fact that we might not actually get snow, but those weather forecasters were pretty sure! Plus, the school district released all of the kids early yesterday & cancelled school for today. That usually means something! Unfortunately, here in these parts, that usually just means ice on the roads. Also, unfortunately, people around here don't know how to drive in it. There were over 100 accidents in Houston between 3:00 and 7:00 am, so they closed the toll roads & major freeways! In true Texas form though, it'll be 60 degrees on Monday! Here's what our patio looks like, & the reason my dog will probably only got potty only twice today:

We went to the store last night (not to store up for the one day of winter ~ I just needed some carrots & other veggies for some yummy meatball soup), & Cody spent his birthday & Christmas money on $60 worth of LEGOS...that he put together last night, because he was going to be playing in the snow today! Again, I tried to warn him!

{No, his head really isn't as big as it looks. He just has extremely thick hair that's in need of a trim!}
On to other bits of randomness, my baby girl seriously grew an inch over night! She gave me a hug when she came into the living room this morning, and she seemed taller. I just had to measure her, and sure enough she's 5'1" now. Before Christmas, she was barely 5' {OK, ya, so that's not exactly over night, but close!} She only has two inches to grow in order to catch up to me now! I would show you a picture of her standing next to me, but my hair is still in a towel. As much as I love y'all, that's a "treat" I reserve only for my family & scrapbook retreat girls! ;)
Because this post has no real theme today, I'll go ahead & throw out another random tidbit. Today is World Cancer Day, and the organization that sponsors the day is trying to raise awareness around the world for cancers that are preventable. Though my mister's type of cancer isn't, I'm all for trying to prevent other types of cancer. Because cancer sucks. Period. I've signed The World Cancer Declaration. It is a tool to help bring the growing cancer crisis to the attention of government leaders and health policymakers in order to significantly reduce the global cancer burden by 2020. {The only "target" I'm not so sure about is the HPV vaccination, based on some terrible side effects that I've heard about. But the rest of their goals are good!} If you feel the burden, please sign the Declaration via the banner below:

Alright, well I guess that's enough rambling for one day. I'm sorry I haven't posted much this week, but I've been fighting a cold & had nothing to say! Unless you wanted me to post about fun things you can do when you're sick, like this:
I think I'm going to play a game with my kids now!

{We really do take her to the groomer on occasion, but I didn't want to cut it short before our winter storm!!}
Stay warm!! I sure wish I had bought some of those Snoozies that RR Mama's been talking about!

...or not! I guess you could call it a Sleet/Freezing Rain/Icy Road Day. Boy, is my son disappointed! School is out, but he doesn't get to have the fun day he had anticipated. I tried to prepare him for the fact that we might not actually get snow, but those weather forecasters were pretty sure! Plus, the school district released all of the kids early yesterday & cancelled school for today. That usually means something! Unfortunately, here in these parts, that usually just means ice on the roads. Also, unfortunately, people around here don't know how to drive in it. There were over 100 accidents in Houston between 3:00 and 7:00 am, so they closed the toll roads & major freeways! In true Texas form though, it'll be 60 degrees on Monday! Here's what our patio looks like, & the reason my dog will probably only got potty only twice today:
We went to the store last night (not to store up for the one day of winter ~ I just needed some carrots & other veggies for some yummy meatball soup), & Cody spent his birthday & Christmas money on $60 worth of LEGOS...that he put together last night, because he was going to be playing in the snow today! Again, I tried to warn him!
{No, his head really isn't as big as it looks. He just has extremely thick hair that's in need of a trim!}
On to other bits of randomness, my baby girl seriously grew an inch over night! She gave me a hug when she came into the living room this morning, and she seemed taller. I just had to measure her, and sure enough she's 5'1" now. Before Christmas, she was barely 5' {OK, ya, so that's not exactly over night, but close!} She only has two inches to grow in order to catch up to me now! I would show you a picture of her standing next to me, but my hair is still in a towel. As much as I love y'all, that's a "treat" I reserve only for my family & scrapbook retreat girls! ;)
Because this post has no real theme today, I'll go ahead & throw out another random tidbit. Today is World Cancer Day, and the organization that sponsors the day is trying to raise awareness around the world for cancers that are preventable. Though my mister's type of cancer isn't, I'm all for trying to prevent other types of cancer. Because cancer sucks. Period. I've signed The World Cancer Declaration. It is a tool to help bring the growing cancer crisis to the attention of government leaders and health policymakers in order to significantly reduce the global cancer burden by 2020. {The only "target" I'm not so sure about is the HPV vaccination, based on some terrible side effects that I've heard about. But the rest of their goals are good!} If you feel the burden, please sign the Declaration via the banner below:

Alright, well I guess that's enough rambling for one day. I'm sorry I haven't posted much this week, but I've been fighting a cold & had nothing to say! Unless you wanted me to post about fun things you can do when you're sick, like this:
I think I'm going to play a game with my kids now!
{We really do take her to the groomer on occasion, but I didn't want to cut it short before our winter storm!!}
Stay warm!! I sure wish I had bought some of those Snoozies that RR Mama's been talking about!
