"Don't You Know You're Beautiful"

(by Seabird) Seabird - Rocks Into Rivers - Don't You Know You're Beautiful

Have I mentioned before that I love Seabird? Well, it's true. If you didn't click the play button, you simply MUST. They're awesome. And if you like this song, you'll like all of them ~ so you might as well click on the iTunes button & buy the entire album. Or maybe all of them. Seriously. Every single song is great. I'm quite sad that I missed Seabird when they were in town last night; but I'm scrapbooking & eating just about the best food on the planet, so it's worth it!

I hope y'all are having as great of a weekend as I am!



Brooke said…
i love that song too. because i think most of us don't know it. another favorite of mine is the david crowder band "You make everything glorious...I am yours, what does that make me?"

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