
(by Wideawake)

This one is a little old school, but I'm an old school kind of person. It has been one of my favorite songs for years now. My favorite memory involving this song would have to be in Hollywood. Some of the people in our group worked on a human video to perform at Venice Beach. We didn't actually get to do any of the skits we worked on, but we spent a lot of time listening to this song while the group worked on it! My favorite line is, "If my life was in your hands. My destiny your own. Would you kill your Hero?"


Shannon said…
May I please ask you where you got the song "Jesus in your eyes?" I was doing a search for it online and was led to your blog. I want it played at my wedding in July and am unable to find it anywhere.

If you wouldn't mind sharing, my email is atalco3@yahoo.com

Diana Sakata said…
OMG, I love that song! I searched in on google, and the only thing I could find was this blog entry!!! :D Thanks! I'm trying to find it... I want to hear it again, it's been so long.

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