"What Would Jesus Do?"

(by Julie Miller) 

What Would Jesus Do by Julie Miller on Grooveshark

Long before WWJD bracelets were trendy, my friend Jason sent me a mixtape with today's song on it. Not only did the song create in me a love for Julie Miller, but it also began to stir in me a love for souls. For a long time, I tried to be more of a witness in my actions and didn't necessarily use my words. I have been convicted lately about not saying enough and not looking for opportunities to share the gospel. I fail (a lot) at reaching out to those who are lost without Jesus, but it truly is my desire to go where He would go and do what He would do. To quote Julie Miller, "Brothers and sisters, we've got His work to do." ♥



Zion said…
Ahhhh yes. I have that very special Julie Miller bond with you from many years ago :) Amen to sharing the good news!

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