I posted today's song on Good Friday a couple of years ago. It changed my perspective on Jesus by really helping me to grasp His humanity in a way that I hadn't before. And since I couldn't say it any better than I did before, I'll just re-post what I wrote then...
I love this song. It breaks my heart a little bit, though. I can just imagine Jesus feeling this way in the Garden of Gethsemane on the night before His death. He knew that God's plan called for Him to sacrifice His life for us. There was no other way for us to be reconciled to Him. Yet Jesus, fully God and fully man, still asked God (three times) to take the cup of suffering away from Him (Matt 26:39-44). Sometimes, I forget about the "fully man" part of Him. I think that because He knew all along what His purpose was, it wouldn't be hard to follow God's will. But He was grieving, and His soul was crushed (Matt 26:38). He felt the pain that any human would feel in His circumstances, yet He loved the people who turned away from Him, beat Him, betrayed Him, denied Him & crucified Him.
And He loved His Father. So He said, "Your will be done."
"But God showed His great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners." (Rom 5:8)
What a beautiful sacrifice! His life for ours. It just doesn't seem right, but it was how God saw fit to give us eternal life. I am so grateful to be saved from a life of sin and an eternity without God!
I'll close with the chorus of today's song, which is the prayer of my heart:
Let the songs I sing bring joy to You
Let the words I say confess my love
Let the notes I choose be Your favorite tune
Father let my heart be after You
I posted today's song on Good Friday a couple of years ago. It changed my perspective on Jesus by really helping me to grasp His humanity in a way that I hadn't before. And since I couldn't say it any better than I did before, I'll just re-post what I wrote then...
I love this song. It breaks my heart a little bit, though. I can just imagine Jesus feeling this way in the Garden of Gethsemane on the night before His death. He knew that God's plan called for Him to sacrifice His life for us. There was no other way for us to be reconciled to Him. Yet Jesus, fully God and fully man, still asked God (three times) to take the cup of suffering away from Him (Matt 26:39-44). Sometimes, I forget about the "fully man" part of Him. I think that because He knew all along what His purpose was, it wouldn't be hard to follow God's will. But He was grieving, and His soul was crushed (Matt 26:38). He felt the pain that any human would feel in His circumstances, yet He loved the people who turned away from Him, beat Him, betrayed Him, denied Him & crucified Him.
And He loved His Father. So He said, "Your will be done."
"But God showed His great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners." (Rom 5:8)
What a beautiful sacrifice! His life for ours. It just doesn't seem right, but it was how God saw fit to give us eternal life. I am so grateful to be saved from a life of sin and an eternity without God!
I'll close with the chorus of today's song, which is the prayer of my heart:
Let the words I say confess my love
Let the notes I choose be Your favorite tune
Father let my heart be after You