"The Love of God"
(by The Reliques) 
I. am. exhausted. Why is it that I'm so tired when all I did was sit in a [very cold] classroom for the past two days? I got to participate in a Precept Ministries training workshop for the Inductive Bible Study Method, and it was super great! I think I've mentioned a time or two (or probably more) that I really enjoy the Word of God! Well, pretty much all I did for the past two days was study it, & I love it even more now! We started our study in Genesis 12 and went through Genesis 15. Our discussion ended with Galatians 3 and a comparison of the Abrahamic Covenant, the Mosaic Covenant (the Law), & the New Covenant. It was super great & really insightful. Plus, we discussed the following bit of Scripture {that I love}:
And while I'm talking about Bible stuff, I have to tell you that I almost cried at Bible study with my baby brother the other night. Good tears, though. He shared a little bit during small group this time (he didn't really say anything last week except when he recited 9 of the 10 commandments). I know that a lot of people like him undergo "jailhouse conversions", so I'm not naive enough to think that all is well for the rest of his life. But to be in a small group with these guys, hear their questions, & listen to them talk about what they're learning...I know that God is working inside them. Anyways, my brother shared something with the group that I had never heard before. He said that when he first heard about my tattoo, he thought that the word "freedom" was a sign to him that he wouldn't have to serve his full sentence. He went on to say that when that isn't how things turned out, he ended up in the IFI program and discovered a different type of freedom. ♥
I had a somewhat crazy week, but I can't even remember much of it right now. I sorta feel like it's 4:00 in the morning, & I'm writing one of those Excedrin caffeine posts. Except it isn't 4am, and I haven't taken Excedrin in a couple of days. Speaking of...I thought I was going to end up with one of those posts on Thursday night/Friday morning. That day, I had met Sloan for coffee in the morning, went to Kyla's birthday lunch from there, went to Amy's for birthday dessert after lunch, & went directly from Amy's to have coffee with my friend Laurien. {I thought my stomach was going to explode. No lie.} When I got home, I had the beginnings of a migraine. Knowing the amount of caffeine I had already consumed that day {did I mention that I had a cup of hot tea when I first got up & a cup of coffee after the kids left for school?} I didn't really want to take an Excedrin Migraine. And for all I know, the migraine was caused by excessive caffeine. I have no idea. But I knew that I was going to be in a crowd of people at the prison [read: loud] & I couldn't go there with a migraine. So I took two of them, and my migraine went away. AND I was actually able to sleep that night! So y'all didn't get to read an extremely random post, but I'm sure y'all are glad that I got rest, right?
Is it terrible that I can't even remember what I did at the beginning of the week (besides Bible study)? I actually had to look at my calendar to remember...it looks like it was full of appointments ~ dentist, chiropractor & Christopher's eye doctors. I live such an exciting life, huh? Anyways, I knew there was something that I was supposed to mention ~> this isn't really an update, but we had a somewhat frustrating appointment with his ocular oncologist. At first, Dr B acted like things were looking good. Then he asked about the last time we saw Dr C. When we mentioned surgery, he said that he didn't like the idea of Dr C doing the cataract surgery. We explained that Dr C would only remove the cataract if he was already in there for the other surgery he talked about, and Dr B still didn't seem happy about it. He sent Chris upstairs for pictures, and we went on to the appointment with Dr C while we were up there. His visual acuity is now CF at face, but Dr C said that the eye is stable. There's no new radiation damage (since his appointment in July), and he wants to see Chris again in a couple of months. We thought we were good to go, but when we went to check out we discovered that Dr B wanted to see Chris again. So we went back downstairs. He looked at the pictures & asked what Dr C had to say about surgery. We told him that things were stable and there wasn't any discussion about cataract (or any other) surgery right now. Then he said, "A cataract is the least of your concerns right now!" What exactly does that mean?! You're probably thinking that I should've asked him that, but I know that he wouldn't have given a satisfactory answer. ('Cuz that's the way he rolls). So we really don't now what that was about. And he wants to see Chris again in two months. In case you forgot, we had moved to a six month schedule with him. And we have no idea why he wants to see him again so soon...
As for today's song...have I mentioned that I love The Reliques?! If you haven't checked them out by now, then I may have to seriously reconsider our friendship. OK, not really...but I may show up at your house in the middle of the night with their music blaring from my van speakers & force you {& your neighbors} to listen to them. Anyways, I love today's song! I think my favorite part is the whole "I am not afraid" section, but I also love verse 3:
"In Your death I am redeemed
Spirit blood wash over me
And in Your love I am complete
I lift my eyes up and look to Thee"
Alrighty, I'm going to attempt to get to bed at a decent time! I hope y'all are having a great weekend!!
I. am. exhausted. Why is it that I'm so tired when all I did was sit in a [very cold] classroom for the past two days? I got to participate in a Precept Ministries training workshop for the Inductive Bible Study Method, and it was super great! I think I've mentioned a time or two (or probably more) that I really enjoy the Word of God! Well, pretty much all I did for the past two days was study it, & I love it even more now! We started our study in Genesis 12 and went through Genesis 15. Our discussion ended with Galatians 3 and a comparison of the Abrahamic Covenant, the Mosaic Covenant (the Law), & the New Covenant. It was super great & really insightful. Plus, we discussed the following bit of Scripture {that I love}:
"Moreover, I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; and I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will be careful to observe My ordinances." (Ezekiel 36:26-27)
And while I'm talking about Bible stuff, I have to tell you that I almost cried at Bible study with my baby brother the other night. Good tears, though. He shared a little bit during small group this time (he didn't really say anything last week except when he recited 9 of the 10 commandments). I know that a lot of people like him undergo "jailhouse conversions", so I'm not naive enough to think that all is well for the rest of his life. But to be in a small group with these guys, hear their questions, & listen to them talk about what they're learning...I know that God is working inside them. Anyways, my brother shared something with the group that I had never heard before. He said that when he first heard about my tattoo, he thought that the word "freedom" was a sign to him that he wouldn't have to serve his full sentence. He went on to say that when that isn't how things turned out, he ended up in the IFI program and discovered a different type of freedom. ♥
I had a somewhat crazy week, but I can't even remember much of it right now. I sorta feel like it's 4:00 in the morning, & I'm writing one of those Excedrin caffeine posts. Except it isn't 4am, and I haven't taken Excedrin in a couple of days. Speaking of...I thought I was going to end up with one of those posts on Thursday night/Friday morning. That day, I had met Sloan for coffee in the morning, went to Kyla's birthday lunch from there, went to Amy's for birthday dessert after lunch, & went directly from Amy's to have coffee with my friend Laurien. {I thought my stomach was going to explode. No lie.} When I got home, I had the beginnings of a migraine. Knowing the amount of caffeine I had already consumed that day {did I mention that I had a cup of hot tea when I first got up & a cup of coffee after the kids left for school?} I didn't really want to take an Excedrin Migraine. And for all I know, the migraine was caused by excessive caffeine. I have no idea. But I knew that I was going to be in a crowd of people at the prison [read: loud] & I couldn't go there with a migraine. So I took two of them, and my migraine went away. AND I was actually able to sleep that night! So y'all didn't get to read an extremely random post, but I'm sure y'all are glad that I got rest, right?
Is it terrible that I can't even remember what I did at the beginning of the week (besides Bible study)? I actually had to look at my calendar to remember...it looks like it was full of appointments ~ dentist, chiropractor & Christopher's eye doctors. I live such an exciting life, huh? Anyways, I knew there was something that I was supposed to mention ~> this isn't really an update, but we had a somewhat frustrating appointment with his ocular oncologist. At first, Dr B acted like things were looking good. Then he asked about the last time we saw Dr C. When we mentioned surgery, he said that he didn't like the idea of Dr C doing the cataract surgery. We explained that Dr C would only remove the cataract if he was already in there for the other surgery he talked about, and Dr B still didn't seem happy about it. He sent Chris upstairs for pictures, and we went on to the appointment with Dr C while we were up there. His visual acuity is now CF at face, but Dr C said that the eye is stable. There's no new radiation damage (since his appointment in July), and he wants to see Chris again in a couple of months. We thought we were good to go, but when we went to check out we discovered that Dr B wanted to see Chris again. So we went back downstairs. He looked at the pictures & asked what Dr C had to say about surgery. We told him that things were stable and there wasn't any discussion about cataract (or any other) surgery right now. Then he said, "A cataract is the least of your concerns right now!" What exactly does that mean?! You're probably thinking that I should've asked him that, but I know that he wouldn't have given a satisfactory answer. ('Cuz that's the way he rolls). So we really don't now what that was about. And he wants to see Chris again in two months. In case you forgot, we had moved to a six month schedule with him. And we have no idea why he wants to see him again so soon...
As for today's song...have I mentioned that I love The Reliques?! If you haven't checked them out by now, then I may have to seriously reconsider our friendship. OK, not really...but I may show up at your house in the middle of the night with their music blaring from my van speakers & force you {& your neighbors} to listen to them. Anyways, I love today's song! I think my favorite part is the whole "I am not afraid" section, but I also love verse 3:
Spirit blood wash over me
And in Your love I am complete
I lift my eyes up and look to Thee"
Alrighty, I'm going to attempt to get to bed at a decent time! I hope y'all are having a great weekend!!

2. I had no idea your bro was in prison! Wow. Sweet him. I am so amazed at the work God is doing there.
3. Praying for your mister. I can't stand it when doctors are so obsure. Don't they know what all emotions go home with us???
4. I love your love for God's Word. LOVE IT.
I think that is sweet what your brother said and sounds like he really does get it.
Praying for Chris!