"Thankfulness Song"

(by VeggieTales) Thankfulness Song - Silly Love Songs

OK, so I'm finally giving in...

I don't know if I've ever told you this little fact about myself, but I'm going to go ahead & say it: I am stubborn, and I am a rebel.

Now that I've confessed, I suppose I'll explain {or overexplain, as usual}...I know I have y'all tricked into thinking I'm uber fab & trendy {ha ha!} But in reality I tend to buck the trend unless I really, really like it (or have a very compelling reason to join it/wear it/do it). I will stubbornly resist it for as long as possible. And if I do eventually start to like a particular trend, it's usually on it's way out ~ because (as I've mentioned before) I don't adjust to change very well, so it can take awhile for some trends to grow on me. And while I'm confessing, I'll just go ahead & admit that I've never been part of the cool crowd. I was that girl in high school who wore bowling shoes & combat boots {to name just a couple of my fashion oddities} to "prove" that I wasn't even trying to fit in.

I'll also go ahead & admit that sometimes I decide that I don't like something (even if I kinda do) simply because everybody else does. For instance, I don't follow Pioneer Woman or Picky Palate, because I refuse to give in to the peer pressure. Yes, I know: all the cool kids are doing it. But as I've already said, I'm not cool ~ & I've never been one to do something because it's the cool thing to do. I guess that's not the kind of rebel you had in mind, huh? A trend rebel. {& can I tell you a little secret? I actually like PW & Picky Palate. There. I said it!} :/

Now that I've said all that, it's time for a true non-sarcastic confession: I've been resisting something that really is a good thing, but I'm stubborn & didn't want to do it because it was trendy. Stupid, I know. And after Becky's recent post & something my pastor said yesterday, I've really felt convicted about my lack of gratitude lately. So I'm finally going to start my list of One Thousand Gifts...It's all about showing gratitude to God for all of the things/gifts/graces (both great & small) that He has given me. I truly have so much to be thankful for, and I'm so glad to be sharing my list with you!

  1. Jesus, my Lord and Savior
  2. My incredible family
  3. My mister (who spoils me)
  4. My baby girl (who has a beautiful smile)
  5. My sweet boy (whose "sermon" video is on Saturday's post, if you didn't see it!)
  6. Spending time with amazing friends
  7. Doing life with a wonderful community of believers
  8. My cute & crazy dog
  9. Music
  10. Chocolate
  11. Coffee
  12. The Word of God
  13. Grace
  14. Acceptance
  15. Freedom
  16. Mercies that are new every morning
  17. Air conditioning
  18. Working vehicles
  19. People who are dedicated to Ocular Melanoma research
  20. A husband who is happy to work so I can stay at home with the kids
  21. A daughter who sends me emails
  22. A son who still likes to snuggle with his mom
  23. Bloggy friends (who I love, even though I haven't met + the one I have met!)
  24. Hot enough days to do certain things I haven't blogged about yet!
  25. The sound of my kids laughing together

What are you thankful for today?



Zion said…
I can relate to being resistant to trends on SO many levels! I waited forever to go to Ikea because I didn't want to be a part of the hugeness of it. I also Love John Marc's How He Loves, but it urkes me that the song is popular now although I am happy for JMM and David Crowder and the song for blessing so many people :) I also looked into reading the 1000 gifts, but some reviews on Amazon made me decide it wasn't for me.

PS- For some reason I had trouble commenting on the post with Cody's video, but I thought it was AWESOME. He has such a call on his life! I wanted to cry, really. It's going to be exciting to see the incredible things God does with him.
Brooke said…
what a great start to the list. i'm thankful that i have a husband who'll listen to me throw a tantrum, drop the "f" bomb his direction, yet will still take me out for a romantic date later that night.
Anonymous said…
R for Rebel?
Becky Crenshaw said…
I swear girl. I swear. We fell from the same tree. Cut from the same cloth...however you'd like to say it! I have purposely not followed along certain blogs ... namely A Holy Experience, because everyone does. BUT THAT IS THE DUMBEST THING because Ann is absolutley amazing and so filled with the Holy Spirit. Anyway...so how does this work? The thankfulness list? How many do you post on Monday's? Anyway...I am thankful for the first day of school! Popcorn. Jesus, of course. And my Bloggy friend that I love but have never met ;)
Oh... I love you rebel and all! ♥ I am so glad to have you share your gifts with us. You are blessed with a special family... such a gift. Yay for bloggy friends. :)
Laura said…
THAT is why we are friends - I was a trend rebel in high school...and I still sorta am. A little. Quit judging me! I love your Multitude Monday post. :) I'm thankful for my kitty who sits in my lap while I work and last-minute sub jobs that bring in a little extra money. :)

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