"Every Time I Breathe"
(by Big Daddy Weave)
Now that I'm able to get back into the routine of things, I am feeling more refreshed than I have been in awhile. I felt it only fitting that today's portion of my One Thousand Gifts be devoted to God. Today I am incredibly thankful for...
I'd love to hear what you're grateful for today!
Now that I'm able to get back into the routine of things, I am feeling more refreshed than I have been in awhile. I felt it only fitting that today's portion of my One Thousand Gifts be devoted to God. Today I am incredibly thankful for...
- Alone time with God!!!
- His love {that I am still only beginning to fathom}
- His faithfulness
- His forgiveness
- His peace
- His goodness
- His provision
- His redemption
- His presence
- His sovereignty
- His holiness
- His worth
- His understanding
- His sacrifice
- His strength
- His Son
- His guidance
- His truth
- His hope
- His salvation
- His Spirit
- His counsel
- His comfort
- His intercession
- I AM {God was, is & always will be}
I'd love to hear what you're grateful for today!
