"Smells Like Birthday Cake"
(by Tim Hawkins) 
It's my birthday today!! At this point in life, I don't really care about how old I am. It'll probably bother me one day, but I'm OK for now. I've had people actually believe that I'm 28! {ha ha!} For the record, I never lie about my age. I've just been testing a theory: You know how people lie & say they're 29 (or 39, or whatever)? And people always respond with, "Again?" My theory is that if you say something ending in an 8 instead of a 9, it's more believable. I've been testing it out, and nobody seems to bat an eye. Though I always say that I'm just kidding, because I really don't want them to think that I was 16 when I had my baby girl! ;)
Anyways, if you know me at all, you know why this day is so exciting for me: birthday dessert!! I seriously love dessert! I know it's not healthy, but it's pretty much my only guilty pleasure (other than coffee). It is the main reason why I eat dinner. I know I should eat dinner because it's sustenance & all, but I really just eat it so I can have dessert. There. True confessions of Amy. Anyways, birthdays are the only time when I don't feel the least bit guilty eating dessert. {OK, while I'm confessing, I'll just go ahead and say that I don't feel guilty eating dessert very often. But I especially don't feel guilty on/around my birthday!} And in celebration of birthday dessert, I decided to compile all the pictures I could find of my birthday desserts through the years! Oh boy, are you in for a treat! {ha ha!}
Here I am at age 2:

& this is when I turned 6 ~ what you can't see if my beautiful Strawberry Shortcake dress. And that's a strawberry cake :)

Age 11...this was obviously the 80's ~ complete with the unicorn cookie cake, my off-the-shoulder sweater & slouch socks.

For my 17th birthday, my friends took me to the Magic Time Machine. I promise we were happy about it. I think we were just a little weirded out by Bacchus & the Jolly Green Giant singing...

Muffi (my matron of honor) surprised me with a cake for my 20th birthday. We didn't want to light the candles for some reason. And apparently when I pretend to blow them out, it looks like I'm trying to kiss them.

I turned 21 on our honeymoon. When my mister told the waiter how old I was, he seemed quite excited to serve me some alcohol. My mister knew that I didn't care so much about that, so he said, "No, just something chocolate!" :) We don't have a picture, though. It was before digital cameras, so we thought we got one but didn't really. There's a picture of part of my face & something (maybe a finger?) in the way of the lens! But I had to mention this particular birthday story, because it confirms the fact that birthday dessert has been important to me for a long time! :)
Then there was the year I turned 27. Remember that one, Natalie?! Y'all were on the mission trip in Hollywood & called me throughout the day, but somebody didn't buy me a present! And for the record: I will never let him forget it! :D It was all good, though, 'cuz my sis-in-law made me a beautiful cake!

No, the following picture isn't of birthday dessert, but a birthday nephew is way better! And I could just eat him up! :) I never knew anyone with my birthday until Chase was born. He's just about the best birthday present ever!

I got to celebrate my 29th in Hollywood! We searched all over Universal CityWalk for the best birthday dessert. We ended up at TGIFriday's, because it had the shortest wait. While we sat outside waiting, a bird pooped on my head! This happens to me all the time, but I must say I was most disappointed that it would happen to me on my birthday! I told the bird that it wasn't a very good present, to which Jeremiah replied, "It was all he had to give!" :D Anyways, the following picture is of J re-lighting my candle after he accidentally blew it out!

That night, we got back to the Oasis (the ministry headquarters) & found a little birthday cake waiting for me! Chris swears that he didn't tell them it was my birthday! I didn't really care how they knew ~ I was super excited to have another birthday dessert! {See? It looks like I'm kissing the candle again!}

My 30th birthday was the best ever! Not only did I get LASIK, but I got FOUR birthday desserts!! Three days in a row, my family took me out for my birthday: once with my dad, another time just the four of us, and then with Dan & Amanda after church on my actual birthday...

Then that night at the home church we were attending, they had a surprise party for me! They had "30" signs everywhere & a pink crown for me to wear! Plus, there was cake!

This was my 32nd birthday lunch with my family at Johnny Rockets. I have no idea why I had both a sundae & a shake! I must have been sharing with someone...?

Y'all may remember the birthday when Alex thought I needed a candle on my sundae ~ Amy didn't have regular candles, so this is what I got:

Then there was last year at Benihana...

...& a delicious homemade cake from Amy & my birthday girls. I usuallydelete don't post terribly unflattering pictures of myself, but this one is hilarious! It makes me laugh, so I thought you might enjoy it, too!

I have no idea what that face was all about, but I can't bring myself to delete it! And because I can't leave y'all with that crazy picture, here's one more:

{again with the "kissing"! Geesh!}
Wow, this post ended up WAY longer than I expected. Thanks for hanging with me 'til the end! :) I'm off to eat some birthday dessert...
It's my birthday today!! At this point in life, I don't really care about how old I am. It'll probably bother me one day, but I'm OK for now. I've had people actually believe that I'm 28! {ha ha!} For the record, I never lie about my age. I've just been testing a theory: You know how people lie & say they're 29 (or 39, or whatever)? And people always respond with, "Again?" My theory is that if you say something ending in an 8 instead of a 9, it's more believable. I've been testing it out, and nobody seems to bat an eye. Though I always say that I'm just kidding, because I really don't want them to think that I was 16 when I had my baby girl! ;)
Anyways, if you know me at all, you know why this day is so exciting for me: birthday dessert!! I seriously love dessert! I know it's not healthy, but it's pretty much my only guilty pleasure (other than coffee). It is the main reason why I eat dinner. I know I should eat dinner because it's sustenance & all, but I really just eat it so I can have dessert. There. True confessions of Amy. Anyways, birthdays are the only time when I don't feel the least bit guilty eating dessert. {OK, while I'm confessing, I'll just go ahead and say that I don't feel guilty eating dessert very often. But I especially don't feel guilty on/around my birthday!} And in celebration of birthday dessert, I decided to compile all the pictures I could find of my birthday desserts through the years! Oh boy, are you in for a treat! {ha ha!}
Here I am at age 2:

& this is when I turned 6 ~ what you can't see if my beautiful Strawberry Shortcake dress. And that's a strawberry cake :)

Age 11...this was obviously the 80's ~ complete with the unicorn cookie cake, my off-the-shoulder sweater & slouch socks.

For my 17th birthday, my friends took me to the Magic Time Machine. I promise we were happy about it. I think we were just a little weirded out by Bacchus & the Jolly Green Giant singing...

Muffi (my matron of honor) surprised me with a cake for my 20th birthday. We didn't want to light the candles for some reason. And apparently when I pretend to blow them out, it looks like I'm trying to kiss them.

I turned 21 on our honeymoon. When my mister told the waiter how old I was, he seemed quite excited to serve me some alcohol. My mister knew that I didn't care so much about that, so he said, "No, just something chocolate!" :) We don't have a picture, though. It was before digital cameras, so we thought we got one but didn't really. There's a picture of part of my face & something (maybe a finger?) in the way of the lens! But I had to mention this particular birthday story, because it confirms the fact that birthday dessert has been important to me for a long time! :)
Then there was the year I turned 27. Remember that one, Natalie?! Y'all were on the mission trip in Hollywood & called me throughout the day, but somebody didn't buy me a present! And for the record: I will never let him forget it! :D It was all good, though, 'cuz my sis-in-law made me a beautiful cake!

No, the following picture isn't of birthday dessert, but a birthday nephew is way better! And I could just eat him up! :) I never knew anyone with my birthday until Chase was born. He's just about the best birthday present ever!

I got to celebrate my 29th in Hollywood! We searched all over Universal CityWalk for the best birthday dessert. We ended up at TGIFriday's, because it had the shortest wait. While we sat outside waiting, a bird pooped on my head! This happens to me all the time, but I must say I was most disappointed that it would happen to me on my birthday! I told the bird that it wasn't a very good present, to which Jeremiah replied, "It was all he had to give!" :D Anyways, the following picture is of J re-lighting my candle after he accidentally blew it out!

That night, we got back to the Oasis (the ministry headquarters) & found a little birthday cake waiting for me! Chris swears that he didn't tell them it was my birthday! I didn't really care how they knew ~ I was super excited to have another birthday dessert! {See? It looks like I'm kissing the candle again!}

My 30th birthday was the best ever! Not only did I get LASIK, but I got FOUR birthday desserts!! Three days in a row, my family took me out for my birthday: once with my dad, another time just the four of us, and then with Dan & Amanda after church on my actual birthday...

Then that night at the home church we were attending, they had a surprise party for me! They had "30" signs everywhere & a pink crown for me to wear! Plus, there was cake!
This was my 32nd birthday lunch with my family at Johnny Rockets. I have no idea why I had both a sundae & a shake! I must have been sharing with someone...?
Y'all may remember the birthday when Alex thought I needed a candle on my sundae ~ Amy didn't have regular candles, so this is what I got:
Then there was last year at Benihana...

...& a delicious homemade cake from Amy & my birthday girls. I usually

I have no idea what that face was all about, but I can't bring myself to delete it! And because I can't leave y'all with that crazy picture, here's one more:

{again with the "kissing"! Geesh!}
Wow, this post ended up WAY longer than I expected. Thanks for hanging with me 'til the end! :) I'm off to eat some birthday dessert...

in the crazy picture you look like miley cyrus's older sister!
I felt so terrible that I made you come over and work on the eve of your BIRTHDAY!!! What a terrible friend! Maybe if I would have had dessert waiting for you, I would feel a little better??? Hope my little one was sweet as pie :) for you.
LOVE all of your pictures! You are such a beautiful woman, inside and out!!
Maybe Dan and I can make it up to you by taking you out for some belated birthday dessert? AND maybe we'll throw in some "dinner" empanadas for good measure???