"Why Do You Love Me"
(by The Reliques) 
What a crazy/awesome week this has been! I had every intention of blogging every day this week, and I'm pretty sure it was going to be a record. Unfortunately, I ended up with a terrible stomach ache on Wednesday, and I could barely sit/stand up straight for at least a full day. This happens every once in awhile. I keep thinking I'll go to the doctor, but then it'll go away for a few months. My yearly physical is coming up, and I promise I'll talk to the doctor about it! OK, moving right along...
As I mentioned the other day, we celebrated our 15th anniversary this week! It just so happened to fall on the terrible stomach ache day, so I wasn't able to thoroughly enjoy our food & such. A nice lady took this picture of us before dinner {which is a good thing because in the official picture from the Benihana staff, I'm hunched over in pain with a fake smile. Not so good!}

The student ministry Ladies Night on Thursday was extremely tacky & wonderful! I'm hoping to post more pictures when I get a chance, but here's a glimpse of the tackiness (in case you didn't see the pics on fb):

Yesterday was my nephew Chase's birthday party! We had to take our annual birthday aunt/nephew picture where I'm happy & he's just humoring me! {He takes after my brother & isn't a fan of having his picture taken}

My niece Julia made me these beautiful bracelets for my birthday! & again (like father/like child) she's thinking something along the lines of, "Let's humor Aunt Amy & take a picture with her, but I'm not going to be happy about it..."

OK, I have to confess that today's song isn't really the one that I listened to the most this week. There was a little issue with the scrobbler, so I really have no idea what today's song should be. But Laura & I went to see The Reliques last night/this morning in College Station ~ so I thought I'd post one of their songs! They were in Houston on Thursday night, but we couldn't make it (due to the aforementioned Ladies Night). We've been talking about taking a little CS road trip for awhile now, so we decided that last night was a great time to do it! Laura & Sarah M were sorority sisters, so we thought it would be cool to see her band in concert. She's really nice, and the band is great. So you should totally check them out! {Oh, and we got hit on for the 2nd time in a week...I think I've met my quota for the next 15 years!}
Anyways, we asked Chris to take a picture of us before we left {& the humidity wreaked havoc our hair!}

{Crazy fact: I'm standing on the stairs & still not as tall as Laura! I'm so jealous of her height!!}
The Reliques have been touring with Brother of Pearl, and I snapped this terrible picture:

{Mama needs a good camera!}
Alrighty, well I'm off to see my baby brother, attend my adorable neighbor's birthday party & babysit sweet Isaac. Unfortunately, I only got a few hours of sleep & have no chance for a nap until Thursday...If only I could convince myself to go to bed at a reasonable time this week. We'll see if that happens. Otherwise, expect some caffeinated randomness as soon as I have a chance to do some blogging!! I hope you're having a super great weekend! :)
What a crazy/awesome week this has been! I had every intention of blogging every day this week, and I'm pretty sure it was going to be a record. Unfortunately, I ended up with a terrible stomach ache on Wednesday, and I could barely sit/stand up straight for at least a full day. This happens every once in awhile. I keep thinking I'll go to the doctor, but then it'll go away for a few months. My yearly physical is coming up, and I promise I'll talk to the doctor about it! OK, moving right along...
As I mentioned the other day, we celebrated our 15th anniversary this week! It just so happened to fall on the terrible stomach ache day, so I wasn't able to thoroughly enjoy our food & such. A nice lady took this picture of us before dinner {which is a good thing because in the official picture from the Benihana staff, I'm hunched over in pain with a fake smile. Not so good!}
The student ministry Ladies Night on Thursday was extremely tacky & wonderful! I'm hoping to post more pictures when I get a chance, but here's a glimpse of the tackiness (in case you didn't see the pics on fb):
Yesterday was my nephew Chase's birthday party! We had to take our annual birthday aunt/nephew picture where I'm happy & he's just humoring me! {He takes after my brother & isn't a fan of having his picture taken}
My niece Julia made me these beautiful bracelets for my birthday! & again (like father/like child) she's thinking something along the lines of, "Let's humor Aunt Amy & take a picture with her, but I'm not going to be happy about it..."
OK, I have to confess that today's song isn't really the one that I listened to the most this week. There was a little issue with the scrobbler, so I really have no idea what today's song should be. But Laura & I went to see The Reliques last night/this morning in College Station ~ so I thought I'd post one of their songs! They were in Houston on Thursday night, but we couldn't make it (due to the aforementioned Ladies Night). We've been talking about taking a little CS road trip for awhile now, so we decided that last night was a great time to do it! Laura & Sarah M were sorority sisters, so we thought it would be cool to see her band in concert. She's really nice, and the band is great. So you should totally check them out! {Oh, and we got hit on for the 2nd time in a week...I think I've met my quota for the next 15 years!}
Anyways, we asked Chris to take a picture of us before we left {& the humidity wreaked havoc our hair!}
{Crazy fact: I'm standing on the stairs & still not as tall as Laura! I'm so jealous of her height!!}
The Reliques have been touring with Brother of Pearl, and I snapped this terrible picture:
{Mama needs a good camera!}
Alrighty, well I'm off to see my baby brother, attend my adorable neighbor's birthday party & babysit sweet Isaac. Unfortunately, I only got a few hours of sleep & have no chance for a nap until Thursday...If only I could convince myself to go to bed at a reasonable time this week. We'll see if that happens. Otherwise, expect some caffeinated randomness as soon as I have a chance to do some blogging!! I hope you're having a super great weekend! :)

Thank you so much for watching my love though! It was greatly GREATLY appreciated!
And I need more info regarding that tacky picture!! Looks like TOO much fun!!