(by Goldfrapp) 
Have you ever had one of those moments like Jim Carrey in “Yes Man” ~> where he is trying to get out of the bar where his ex-wife & boyfriend are, and he says he's “Gone-a-ria”? I've had many of those moments, but my most “famous” one happened way back in high school. We had this habit of adding “-ness” to the end of words. Like in today's song, the word “happy” would suffice, but they say “happiness” instead. Back in the day, if something was really sweet, we'd say, “Ah, sweetness!” If circumstances were a little crazy, we'd say, “Such craziness!” Instead of simply saying that a boy was cute, we would say that he was “cuteness”. & I don't know if you remember the days when a boy was fine [fine, as in the term we used for “hot” ~> not like, “How are you?” “I'm fine.”] Well, there was a special phrase reserved for my really fine neighbor. He was “bustin' out with the fineness”.
Well, anyways, there was this guy I was crushing on. We'll call him K. K drove the same type of car as another guy in town. We'll call him C. My friend & I would be cruising through town on a Friday night & think we saw K's car coming toward us, so we'd honk. You probably know where I'm going with this ~ it would usually end up being C's. And we didn't even know him! We were sure that he thought one of us liked him. He actually started talking to us one day (after we had unintentionally waved at him as we were pulling into the same parking lot), & we didn't know how to tell him that we thought he was someone else. I mean, we were constantly honking at him in town, why would he believe that we weren't chasing after him?!
We decided we needed to figure out a way to tell the difference between the two cars. We found out where C lived, so we drove by one day & read his license plate. That would surely help us, because you can read a license plate from far away, of course! :P [ I probably shouldn't take this time to point out that we graduated 1st & 3rd in our class, huh?!] The next time we saw K's car, we looked at his license plate, too. Can you believe that they were incredibly similar?! The letters were the exact same: JJP. Only the numbers were slightly different.
So, we went over to K to tell him about how we kept embarrassing ourselves by honking at C, thinking he was K. We explained the process of scoping out the license plates. {He just had to know how brilliant we were!} And after telling him how similar the plates were to each other, I said, “Such JJP-ness!” As soon as I said it, I realized that there were a few things that you should NEVER say “-ness” after. I was absolutely mortified ! My friend actually walked away in laughter, leaving me to face K all by myself. After blurting out a male anatomy term! Fortunately for me, K knew me well enough to know that it was unintentional, & that I always said “-ness” at the end of everything. But, to this day, I sometimes get a little red-cheeked remembering my silliness!
Have you ever had one of those moments like Jim Carrey in “Yes Man” ~> where he is trying to get out of the bar where his ex-wife & boyfriend are, and he says he's “Gone-a-ria”? I've had many of those moments, but my most “famous” one happened way back in high school. We had this habit of adding “-ness” to the end of words. Like in today's song, the word “happy” would suffice, but they say “happiness” instead. Back in the day, if something was really sweet, we'd say, “Ah, sweetness!” If circumstances were a little crazy, we'd say, “Such craziness!” Instead of simply saying that a boy was cute, we would say that he was “cuteness”. & I don't know if you remember the days when a boy was fine [fine, as in the term we used for “hot” ~> not like, “How are you?” “I'm fine.”] Well, there was a special phrase reserved for my really fine neighbor. He was “bustin' out with the fineness”.
Well, anyways, there was this guy I was crushing on. We'll call him K. K drove the same type of car as another guy in town. We'll call him C. My friend & I would be cruising through town on a Friday night & think we saw K's car coming toward us, so we'd honk. You probably know where I'm going with this ~ it would usually end up being C's. And we didn't even know him! We were sure that he thought one of us liked him. He actually started talking to us one day (after we had unintentionally waved at him as we were pulling into the same parking lot), & we didn't know how to tell him that we thought he was someone else. I mean, we were constantly honking at him in town, why would he believe that we weren't chasing after him?!
We decided we needed to figure out a way to tell the difference between the two cars. We found out where C lived, so we drove by one day & read his license plate. That would surely help us, because you can read a license plate from far away, of course! :P [ I probably shouldn't take this time to point out that we graduated 1st & 3rd in our class, huh?!] The next time we saw K's car, we looked at his license plate, too. Can you believe that they were incredibly similar?! The letters were the exact same: JJP. Only the numbers were slightly different.
So, we went over to K to tell him about how we kept embarrassing ourselves by honking at C, thinking he was K. We explained the process of scoping out the license plates. {He just had to know how brilliant we were!} And after telling him how similar the plates were to each other, I said, “Such JJP-ness!” As soon as I said it, I realized that there were a few things that you should NEVER say “-ness” after. I was absolutely mortified ! My friend actually walked away in laughter, leaving me to face K all by myself. After blurting out a male anatomy term! Fortunately for me, K knew me well enough to know that it was unintentional, & that I always said “-ness” at the end of everything. But, to this day, I sometimes get a little red-cheeked remembering my silliness!
