"Find Your Wings"
(by Mark Harris) 
My sweet boy is eleven years old today! Cody is such a joy to me, and I am so grateful that I get to be his mom! Today's list has just a few of the things I love about him. I am thankful that Cody...

Is there someone who brings joy to your heart? If so, please tell me about them! :)
My sweet boy is eleven years old today! Cody is such a joy to me, and I am so grateful that I get to be his mom! Today's list has just a few of the things I love about him. I am thankful that Cody...
- Loves his mom! ♥
- Is honest
- Wishes happiness was contagious
- Cares for others
- Is a leader
- Is sweet to little kids
- Makes good friend choices
- Isn't too proud to serve others
- Likes to make people laugh
- Is kind
- Is compassionate
- Thinks of a solution for everything
- Is responsible
- Watches The Science Channel
- Is a great student
- Still likes to snuggle with his mom
- Is confident
- Says the sweetest things
- Isn't afraid to try new things {finally!}
- Is gentle
- Creates brain games that he sends via email
- Tries out his comedy bits on us :)
- Is nice to his sister ♥
- Loves God
- Desires to minister to others
Is there someone who brings joy to your heart? If so, please tell me about them! :)
Time is FLYING by way too fast!! Your facebook status today made me laugh!!!
Hope he had a great birthday!