(by Zac Brown Band)
Well, if you haven't read the news on facebook, I thought I'd let you know that my mister's scans were clear! The oncologist reviewed the results with us & compared them with the scans in June. Do you remember the little spot on his liver that Dr L wasn't concerned about? Well, it's actually smaller than it was in June, so I shouldn't have been concerned about it either. {Dr L didn't think it was metastatic, and I should've listened to him. After all, he's the oncologist, & I'm just the SAHM!} His bloodwork looked great (or "boring" as the doctor put it!), and the lymph node that was enlarged last time appears to be the same size. The radiologist report wasn't in yet, but Dr L didn't see anything that concerns him! Praise God for good news!!
We had a little celebration after dinner! Cheers to clear scans!!!
{For the record: that's sparkling cider in those cute little recycled Dublin Dr Pepper bottles!}
& what's a celebration without ice cream?!
Upon arriving at the Medical Center earlier in the day, we passed by a Cancer Survivor's Plaza that we've somehow never seen before. Since we had arrived a little ahead of schedule, we decided to revel in the beauty of the day & check out the little park...
& goof around a little bit, too!
In case you're wondering why I picked this song today, it's 'cuz it makes me think of my mister & me. Maybe we don't live out of our van. And we're not actually free to travel across this land. But I like the feel of this song. I feel like it's saying that we can do anything as long as we're together. "We don't have a lot of money, but all we need is love".
Well, if you haven't read the news on facebook, I thought I'd let you know that my mister's scans were clear! The oncologist reviewed the results with us & compared them with the scans in June. Do you remember the little spot on his liver that Dr L wasn't concerned about? Well, it's actually smaller than it was in June, so I shouldn't have been concerned about it either. {Dr L didn't think it was metastatic, and I should've listened to him. After all, he's the oncologist, & I'm just the SAHM!} His bloodwork looked great (or "boring" as the doctor put it!), and the lymph node that was enlarged last time appears to be the same size. The radiologist report wasn't in yet, but Dr L didn't see anything that concerns him! Praise God for good news!!
We had a little celebration after dinner! Cheers to clear scans!!!
{For the record: that's sparkling cider in those cute little recycled Dublin Dr Pepper bottles!}
& what's a celebration without ice cream?!
Upon arriving at the Medical Center earlier in the day, we passed by a Cancer Survivor's Plaza that we've somehow never seen before. Since we had arrived a little ahead of schedule, we decided to revel in the beauty of the day & check out the little park...
& goof around a little bit, too!
In case you're wondering why I picked this song today, it's 'cuz it makes me think of my mister & me. Maybe we don't live out of our van. And we're not actually free to travel across this land. But I like the feel of this song. I feel like it's saying that we can do anything as long as we're together. "We don't have a lot of money, but all we need is love".