(by Aaron Logan) 
I thought today's video was a great one to post on Thanksgiving for several reasons...First of all, the title is super for today! Secondly, it's our friend Aaron's song, and I like posting songs by people that I know.
But more importantly, this video gives you a picture of our sweet friend, his beautiful heart, and his gratitude to God. And you can also see some of the progress he has made since I told y'all about him this summer. This video was filmed on Sunday, which was the first time he has sung publicly since his accident at the end of June. He has a ways to go & could still use your prayers. But he has come a long way, which is definitely something he & his family (& friends) are thankful for today!
I'll be heading out to my brother's house in just a little bit. I've made some mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, my mom's pie {it has a name, but it's her recipe so that's how we refer to it!} & 7UP biscuits, and I'm looking forward to all of the yummy goodness made by Wendy & her mom! We tend to have fairly drama-free family gatherings these days, so I'm planning on having a great day! I hope y'all have a wonderful Thanksgiving! ♥
I thought today's video was a great one to post on Thanksgiving for several reasons...First of all, the title is super for today! Secondly, it's our friend Aaron's song, and I like posting songs by people that I know.
But more importantly, this video gives you a picture of our sweet friend, his beautiful heart, and his gratitude to God. And you can also see some of the progress he has made since I told y'all about him this summer. This video was filmed on Sunday, which was the first time he has sung publicly since his accident at the end of June. He has a ways to go & could still use your prayers. But he has come a long way, which is definitely something he & his family (& friends) are thankful for today!
I'll be heading out to my brother's house in just a little bit. I've made some mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, my mom's pie {it has a name, but it's her recipe so that's how we refer to it!} & 7UP biscuits, and I'm looking forward to all of the yummy goodness made by Wendy & her mom! We tend to have fairly drama-free family gatherings these days, so I'm planning on having a great day! I hope y'all have a wonderful Thanksgiving! ♥