"Psalm 118 (This is the Day)"
(by Shane & Shane) 
No, I haven't dropped off the face of the earth. I was out of town for the first part of the week, but that's not something I like to broadcast on here. Not that I don't trust my IRL or bloggy friends ~ it's the occasional creeper who may stop by that I'd rather not know my whereabouts...Anyways, today I am thankful for...

What's on your list today?
No, I haven't dropped off the face of the earth. I was out of town for the first part of the week, but that's not something I like to broadcast on here. Not that I don't trust my IRL or bloggy friends ~ it's the occasional creeper who may stop by that I'd rather not know my whereabouts...Anyways, today I am thankful for...
- Our friend who brought Chris some Dublin Dr Pepper home from a mission trip
- Coffee with beautiful Addie
- Ceiling fans
- Praying with my friend in the middle of a scrapbooking day
- A super great deal on knitting needles! {This probably won't mean much to anyone but Melissa & Jen, but I only spent $1.99 for 3 pairs of circular needles!}
- Pajama Day at MOPS
- Irons that remove wax from carpet tiles at church
- The rodeo with Dad & Aunt Linda
- God's protection over a couple of bull riders who were gored &/or stomped on {seriously, the bulls were crazy on Friday night!}
- Boots to keep my feet dry {& somewhat warm} while walking to the rodeo in the cold & rain
- My dad's promotion at work
- Elly's decision to clean out her closet {all on her own initiative! Gasp!}
- An amazing mission trip with my favorite students on the planet
- God's protection while driving students to Dallas in the pouring rain {& my first time driving a 15 passenger van! Yikes! ~ I managed it successfully, ftr!}
- The church where we slept each night
- Air mattresses
- Mission Arlington
- A plate full of oranges & grapefruit from a sweet resident of an apartment complex where we had Backyard Bible Club {that act of kindness seriously brought tears to my eyes!}
- A lovely game of putt putt while speaking in British accents {hence the word lovely}
- Worshiping God in the van at the tops of our lungs {in three part harmony at times. We had no bass, because the two boys in our van are tiny & probably haven't hit puberty yet}
- Unprompted apologies from a couple of girls who woke me up at 2am {two nights in a row}
- Cleaning a nasty apartment kitchen for Jesus {that sounds sarcastic, but I promise I'm thankful! God worked on me through the process, and it was good!}
- Braum's peanut butter hot fudge sundae with German chocolate ice cream {thank you, Wade, for making all of my dreams come true! OK, well maybe not all of them. But that is my absolute favorite ice cream in the whole wide world, but they don't have Braum's near my home. And it makes me happy any time I'm able to eat it}
- My wonderful friend Jana {who's birthday is today!!} ♥
- My baby puppy {who is 5 years old today!}
What's on your list today?