"All That Matters"
(by Addison Road) 
I love the message of this song! I seriously can't pick a favorite part, but here are a few of my favorites:
"I may never be the one that gets a second glance
I may never be the one they call the prettiest
But that’s alright with me"
"This shallow world is no longer what I’m made of
I’ve been changed by grace
I’ve been saved by love
What more do I need?"
And of course, the chorus:
"All that matters is...
I know Your love has set me free
And that’s all that matters to me"
I probably should've just posted the lyrics to the entire thing, huh? ;) I think this is a super great song to wrap up NEDA Week, don't you?!

I have just a couple of things to share about my week...
I declared a pajama day for myself on Leap Day! I had nothing on my calendar except for church that night, so I stayed in my PJs until I had to get ready that evening. I'm sure it would've been even better if I hadn't had to go anywhere at all, but it was still super! I have never been one to stay in my PJs all day, except for one time when I was terribly sick & another time not too long ago when I wore my sleepover clothes for most of the day. As much as I enjoy these days, I really should do it more often. {Though I'm afraid I could get used to it a little too quickly & end up doing it all of the time!} When I first became a SAHM, I determined that I wasn't going to let myself go, so I got dressed every morning & even put makeup on most days. Lately, I've let the makeup go a little more often than I used to. I'm not sure if that's an indication of freedom or laziness...Anyways, I actually accomplished quite a bit on my pajama day! I did a couple of lessons for my Bible study, prayed for the men from church who were heading out on a mission trip this weekend, painted my toenails, did a little knitting, started a couple of NEDA Week posts, cleared out my email inbox (somewhat), & did a little work on VBS stuff for goingLOCAL. I also fertilized my yard. {Yes, in PJs. It was first thing in the morning, & only one neighbor drove by. & ftr, my PJs are completely modest capris & a t-shirt!}
I got to see Gungor with my friends Laurien, Julie, & Nicole last night!! I'll have to share more about that later, because my photo card is in Nicole's camera. Plus it deserves an entire post. So I'll tell y'all about it when I get pics!
I do have a totally unrelated picture that I took on my phone this morning. Cody had been at a Lock-In all night & didn't sleep at all. He supposedly wasn't tired at all...
And last but not least, I'd like to say a big HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY to my beautiful cousin Kendra!!! You are amazing, and I love you to pieces! I hope you enjoy Gungor tonight!! I know you will! Text me after! :)
I hope y'all are having a wonderful weekend! ♥
I love the message of this song! I seriously can't pick a favorite part, but here are a few of my favorites:
I may never be the one they call the prettiest
But that’s alright with me"
"This shallow world is no longer what I’m made of
I’ve been changed by grace
I’ve been saved by love
What more do I need?"
And of course, the chorus:
"All that matters is...
I know Your love has set me free
And that’s all that matters to me"
I probably should've just posted the lyrics to the entire thing, huh? ;) I think this is a super great song to wrap up NEDA Week, don't you?!

I have just a couple of things to share about my week...
I declared a pajama day for myself on Leap Day! I had nothing on my calendar except for church that night, so I stayed in my PJs until I had to get ready that evening. I'm sure it would've been even better if I hadn't had to go anywhere at all, but it was still super! I have never been one to stay in my PJs all day, except for one time when I was terribly sick & another time not too long ago when I wore my sleepover clothes for most of the day. As much as I enjoy these days, I really should do it more often. {Though I'm afraid I could get used to it a little too quickly & end up doing it all of the time!} When I first became a SAHM, I determined that I wasn't going to let myself go, so I got dressed every morning & even put makeup on most days. Lately, I've let the makeup go a little more often than I used to. I'm not sure if that's an indication of freedom or laziness...Anyways, I actually accomplished quite a bit on my pajama day! I did a couple of lessons for my Bible study, prayed for the men from church who were heading out on a mission trip this weekend, painted my toenails, did a little knitting, started a couple of NEDA Week posts, cleared out my email inbox (somewhat), & did a little work on VBS stuff for goingLOCAL. I also fertilized my yard. {Yes, in PJs. It was first thing in the morning, & only one neighbor drove by. & ftr, my PJs are completely modest capris & a t-shirt!}
I got to see Gungor with my friends Laurien, Julie, & Nicole last night!! I'll have to share more about that later, because my photo card is in Nicole's camera. Plus it deserves an entire post. So I'll tell y'all about it when I get pics!
I do have a totally unrelated picture that I took on my phone this morning. Cody had been at a Lock-In all night & didn't sleep at all. He supposedly wasn't tired at all...
And last but not least, I'd like to say a big HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY to my beautiful cousin Kendra!!! You are amazing, and I love you to pieces! I hope you enjoy Gungor tonight!! I know you will! Text me after! :)
I hope y'all are having a wonderful weekend! ♥