"Winter Night"
(by Little & Ashley) 
Yes, I'm totally aware of the fact that I just posted this song, but it makes me happy! And Day 5 in the 12 Days of Christmas Song Challenge is: song that makes you happy. So it only seemed logical to repost this bit of cuteness! :)
On a total side note: today is International Answer the Phone like Buddy the Elf Day, & I love it! I completely forgot when Amy called me this afternoon, but I remembered when I got another call. It was from a lady who was scheduling a delivery for tomorrow. I made her laugh, which I think is super great!
Anyways, I'd love to know what Christmas song makes you happy! :)
Yes, I'm totally aware of the fact that I just posted this song, but it makes me happy! And Day 5 in the 12 Days of Christmas Song Challenge is: song that makes you happy. So it only seemed logical to repost this bit of cuteness! :)
On a total side note: today is International Answer the Phone like Buddy the Elf Day, & I love it! I completely forgot when Amy called me this afternoon, but I remembered when I got another call. It was from a lady who was scheduling a delivery for tomorrow. I made her laugh, which I think is super great!
Anyways, I'd love to know what Christmas song makes you happy! :)