"Made Me Glad"
(by Miriam Webster) 
Today I'm so thankful for...

I'd love to know what's on your list this week!
Today I'm so thankful for...
- Cookie exchanges
- Christmas light scavenger hunts
- A super helpful Home Depot associate named Justin
- The furniture store replacing a broken piece of our entertainment center
- Good quotes that make you think
- Phone calls with my friend Amy
- Friends who take great pictures of my family
- Giggling with my girl until we're both out of breath! ♥
- Soup
- Hobby Lobby
- Lotion
- A delicious spicy cheeseburger from Tornado Burger
- Shellac for finger nails {I know that sounds terribly shallow, but I had my acrylics soaked off a month or so ago, & this is the first time in my entire life that I've been able to keep my real nails a decent length!}
- Soft & cozy blankets
- One final get together with my tragically hip friend from Canada before she moves away
- Being invited to my adorable little neighbor's birthday party
- The honor of getting to see Misty's wedding dress!!
- Online tutorials for just about anything you can imagine
- Friends with saws
- Community Group Christmas parties
- People who know how to play piano
- Joy that is not dependent on my circumstances
- A God who keeps His word
- My baby brother's gratefulness for the little things
- A friend who shares her mini muffin pan :)
I'd love to know what's on your list this week!