"SYATP Bohemian Rhapsody Parody"
My baby girl went to her first See You at the Pole today! I thought this video was kinda funny ~ & yes, Elly got permission to go! I remember participating in my first SYATP as a high school student in 1990 or 91! It's awesome to see what it has become & the amount of students who participate in praying for their classmates, teachers, schools, leaders, country...
I don't have pictures from the first year or so that we did it at WHS, but I have a couple from my Senior year. They're in bad shape, but I thought I'd humor y'all anyways!

& to go with the old school pics, I've included a couple of songs that were our "theme" for our SYATP in September 1992!
Oh. yes. Beyond cool.
Seriously, though, I thank God for youth pastors like Rick Eubanks ~ who encouraged his students to pray for their friends at their school flagpoles back in 1990. What began in little ol' Burleson, Texas, has now become a worldwide prayer movement that includes over 2 million people in all 50 states & more than 20 countries!

although i do love even more that we've become a generation teaching our children to pray.