"Not Alone"
(by Seabird) 
Regarding today's song, it's Seabird...Need I say more?
Once again, I've had quite a busy weekend & just now have the chance to post my song of the week...I'm sorry if I let you down! I'd like to say I won't do it again, but I know I will! Plus, I'm pretty sure I haven't actually let anyone down! So, there's no reason to make a promise I can't keep!
Anywho, I went to an all day crop yesterday & completed 28 pages! The problem is that I barely scrapbooked all summer, so I'm still behind. I'm almost 3 years behind in my baby girl's album but only 1 year behind in the boy's. I'm not sure how that happened, but I totally need to fix that! She's older, so hers should be caught up first, right? My disclaimer (in case she discovers this fact & complains) is that I have technically completed the same number of years in both of their albums.
So, I have to share an outrageous comment that was made about me today! I probably shouldn't even tell this story, but it was so crazy that I just have to tell it! A collector called our house today & told my mister that I had used language that was inappropriate!
Can you believe that?! {For the record, my mister couldn't either!}
Well, remember that card I paid off awhile back? There was some fine print [amidst a bunch of other fine print that I didn't read] about calling for a payoff amount, so I only thought I paid the balance in full. Around mid-August, I received a bill for about $14 in interest/finance charges that had accrued before we paid the balance. I called the credit card company to see if they would waive it. [I'm really not trying to cheat the system! I know that credit card companies do this type of thing.] Well, they wouldn't waive it, which I thought was craziness. And I told her so! To [attempt to] make a long story short, after several minutes of conversation, the representative (we'll call her Rose) told me not to pay my bill yet & that she would call me back.
So I didn't pay my bill & completely forgot about it until I got another bill this past Monday. I was going to call them ~ but before I got the chance, a collector called me! I explained the situation to her, but she was still insistent that I pay the bill (which included about $1 in additional fees). I explained the situation again, this time pulling out my notes & reading word for word what Rose had told me. This time, I mentioned the Rose's name, and I guess the collector finally felt like I wasn't just talking smack. She put me on hold, and when she came back on the phone she explained that I was going to have to talk to Rose. But of course she wasn't in that day, so my call was sent to her voicemail. I left an awkward message & didn't hear back from her again.
Then today, a collector called & talked to my mister...Oh ya, the inappropriate language?...
Crap. I said, "Crap." Or more specifically [in regards to the fine print], "Nobody reads that crap."
Now, for the record: I'm completely aware of the fact that I legally owe the stupid finance charge, regardless of whether I read it or not. They state in writing (albeit with a bunch of other crap) that I am supposed to call for a payoff balance, and their method for calculating the finance charges is printed on the back of the statement. I get that. It's just the principle of the matter. You know ~ in the old days, when you paid the balance, that was it (except for car payments & mortgages). But that is seriously not even the issue now! Honestly, if Rose hadn't told me not to pay the bill until I heard back from her, I would have begrudgingly paid the stupid $14 a month ago! It has now become about $16 (if I pay by the 29th). While it won't break the bank, I think it's stupid that I am now being charged MORE because I listened to Rose & didn't pay it!
And apparently I used inappropriate language.
Regarding today's song, it's Seabird...Need I say more?
Once again, I've had quite a busy weekend & just now have the chance to post my song of the week...I'm sorry if I let you down! I'd like to say I won't do it again, but I know I will! Plus, I'm pretty sure I haven't actually let anyone down! So, there's no reason to make a promise I can't keep!
Anywho, I went to an all day crop yesterday & completed 28 pages! The problem is that I barely scrapbooked all summer, so I'm still behind. I'm almost 3 years behind in my baby girl's album but only 1 year behind in the boy's. I'm not sure how that happened, but I totally need to fix that! She's older, so hers should be caught up first, right? My disclaimer (in case she discovers this fact & complains) is that I have technically completed the same number of years in both of their albums.
So, I have to share an outrageous comment that was made about me today! I probably shouldn't even tell this story, but it was so crazy that I just have to tell it! A collector called our house today & told my mister that I had used language that was inappropriate!
Can you believe that?! {For the record, my mister couldn't either!}
Well, remember that card I paid off awhile back? There was some fine print [amidst a bunch of other fine print that I didn't read] about calling for a payoff amount, so I only thought I paid the balance in full. Around mid-August, I received a bill for about $14 in interest/finance charges that had accrued before we paid the balance. I called the credit card company to see if they would waive it. [I'm really not trying to cheat the system! I know that credit card companies do this type of thing.] Well, they wouldn't waive it, which I thought was craziness. And I told her so! To [attempt to] make a long story short, after several minutes of conversation, the representative (we'll call her Rose) told me not to pay my bill yet & that she would call me back.
So I didn't pay my bill & completely forgot about it until I got another bill this past Monday. I was going to call them ~ but before I got the chance, a collector called me! I explained the situation to her, but she was still insistent that I pay the bill (which included about $1 in additional fees). I explained the situation again, this time pulling out my notes & reading word for word what Rose had told me. This time, I mentioned the Rose's name, and I guess the collector finally felt like I wasn't just talking smack. She put me on hold, and when she came back on the phone she explained that I was going to have to talk to Rose. But of course she wasn't in that day, so my call was sent to her voicemail. I left an awkward message & didn't hear back from her again.
Then today, a collector called & talked to my mister...Oh ya, the inappropriate language?...
Crap. I said, "Crap." Or more specifically [in regards to the fine print], "Nobody reads that crap."
Now, for the record: I'm completely aware of the fact that I legally owe the stupid finance charge, regardless of whether I read it or not. They state in writing (albeit with a bunch of other crap) that I am supposed to call for a payoff balance, and their method for calculating the finance charges is printed on the back of the statement. I get that. It's just the principle of the matter. You know ~ in the old days, when you paid the balance, that was it (except for car payments & mortgages). But that is seriously not even the issue now! Honestly, if Rose hadn't told me not to pay the bill until I heard back from her, I would have begrudgingly paid the stupid $14 a month ago! It has now become about $16 (if I pay by the 29th). While it won't break the bank, I think it's stupid that I am now being charged MORE because I listened to Rose & didn't pay it!
And apparently I used inappropriate language.
