(by Seabird) 
The words don't really apply, but you'll see why I posted this in a little bit...
I've been very spoiled with even more birthday celebrations this week! There's nothing wrong with getting older, if you have great friends to celebrate with! My friends Amy, Kelli & Kyla took me out for dinner & ice cream on Tuesday night. {I call them "my birthday girls".} We really enjoy celebrating each others' birthdays & buying each other gifts. As adults, we don't tend to have many gifts to open on our birthday. So, we've taken it upon ourselves to buy for each other, and we love knowing that our friends will have several gifts! Here we are at Maggie Moo's after dinner:

As if I hadn't celebrated enough, my mister took me to see Seabird last night!! Before the concert, we went to W Grill & Catalina Coffee. Good stuff!! Here's my mister with his lovely latte:

[Yes, he's wearing his patch again. I'll explain why in my next post. But first, let me ask this: if you saw a stranger wearing an eye patch, would you take a picture of him? Because several people did that last night, & I thought it was odd]
We saw Brandon (my IRL friend Natalie's brother) when we got to the venue. He is playing bass for Seabird, so he introduced us to all of the guys in the band. We hung out with him before they got on stage. The concert was GREAT! The worst part was that it ended too soon! Here's a picture from the concert, with Brandon rockin' out on the bass there on the right:

& here's a video clip that my mister took on his phone {make sure your speakers aren't up too loud!}:
The words don't really apply, but you'll see why I posted this in a little bit...
I've been very spoiled with even more birthday celebrations this week! There's nothing wrong with getting older, if you have great friends to celebrate with! My friends Amy, Kelli & Kyla took me out for dinner & ice cream on Tuesday night. {I call them "my birthday girls".} We really enjoy celebrating each others' birthdays & buying each other gifts. As adults, we don't tend to have many gifts to open on our birthday. So, we've taken it upon ourselves to buy for each other, and we love knowing that our friends will have several gifts! Here we are at Maggie Moo's after dinner:

As if I hadn't celebrated enough, my mister took me to see Seabird last night!! Before the concert, we went to W Grill & Catalina Coffee. Good stuff!! Here's my mister with his lovely latte:

[Yes, he's wearing his patch again. I'll explain why in my next post. But first, let me ask this: if you saw a stranger wearing an eye patch, would you take a picture of him? Because several people did that last night, & I thought it was odd]
We saw Brandon (my IRL friend Natalie's brother) when we got to the venue. He is playing bass for Seabird, so he introduced us to all of the guys in the band. We hung out with him before they got on stage. The concert was GREAT! The worst part was that it ended too soon! Here's a picture from the concert, with Brandon rockin' out on the bass there on the right:

& here's a video clip that my mister took on his phone {make sure your speakers aren't up too loud!}: