"Psalm 18"
(by Waterdeep) 
I'm playing along with Cole's Weekly Recap for the first time today! I haven't done it before, because I tend to recap my week on Saturdays. But I love her format, so I decided to join in...

In one word or phrase ~ pressed down, but not destroyed
I'm dreaming of you ~ new living room furniture
Song on repeat ~ Sorry, you'll have to wait 'til tomorrow for that one!
Gotta write it down ~ Savor the interruptions - Karen Kingsbury (regarding the little interruptions we call "children" & their constant requests for assistance, etc. when we're on the phone & such. Savor them, because before long the kids will be out of the house, & we'll wish they were here to interrupt us!)
Lesson learned ~ in my weakness, Jesus is strong
Picture to frame ~ my girl whispering to her mom on Christmas Eve

Highlight of the week ~ I got some super happy news from two of my friends!
Weekend to do list ~ Tonight we're going to see Despicable Me with our friends, doing a little something special with the family for Cody's 1/2 birthday tomorrow, & we're hoping to have some new friends over for lunch on Sunday!
I'm playing along with Cole's Weekly Recap for the first time today! I haven't done it before, because I tend to recap my week on Saturdays. But I love her format, so I decided to join in...
In one word or phrase ~ pressed down, but not destroyed
I'm dreaming of you ~ new living room furniture
Song on repeat ~ Sorry, you'll have to wait 'til tomorrow for that one!
Gotta write it down ~ Savor the interruptions - Karen Kingsbury (regarding the little interruptions we call "children" & their constant requests for assistance, etc. when we're on the phone & such. Savor them, because before long the kids will be out of the house, & we'll wish they were here to interrupt us!)
Lesson learned ~ in my weakness, Jesus is strong
Picture to frame ~ my girl whispering to her mom on Christmas Eve

Highlight of the week ~ I got some super happy news from two of my friends!
Weekend to do list ~ Tonight we're going to see Despicable Me with our friends, doing a little something special with the family for Cody's 1/2 birthday tomorrow, & we're hoping to have some new friends over for lunch on Sunday!

it was eye opening to me when i realized that God wasn't able to work DESPITE my weaknesses but BECAUSE and through my weakness. as long as its a strength i can always take the credit for my own.