"Won't Turn Back"
I love the sound of this song! My favorite line is, "So tell me why I should run for cover at the sound of the coming thunder?" The melody makes me happy, and the words are good, too. I love all of NTB's stuff! :)
This week hasn't really been too eventful. I'm sorry to bore y'all! I mostly did typical Mom stuff like laundry & grocery shopping! I had a little bit of fun, though! When I sang with Dad at my childhood church, I received a gift card to LifeWay that I spent on this cute clock:

Now, if only I could get the rest of my fireplace mantel decorated! All I have is this on the other end:

& absolutely nothing in niche in the middle! My mister has plans for it that involve iron work & stained glass (did I mention that he's wanting to learn that art?)... Maybe it'll be done in a few years!
Anyways, back to my week...My friend Laura came over for coffee & scones on Wednesday. Then on Thursday, I stayed at home with my baby girl (who had a stomach ache). On Friday, I went shopping with Amy & Kyla for goodie bags ~ for yet another ladies' retreat that I won't be able to attend! I don't mind, though, because I like the challenge of a limited budget & a bag to fill!
Elly & I went shopping this morning, so I could find a few things for my latest projects. I had this idea for a fabric-covered, framed board with fun knobs to hang my necklaces on. Because I'm cheap, though, the fun knobs have become somewhat ordinary knobs. Can you believe that a pretty knob can run $12 or more?! Oh well! I hope to work on it soon, and I'll be sure to post pictures! My other project is a fresh coat of paint on a new-to-me patio table set from my friend Amy. I was going to keep it the same shade of green that it was, with just a little freshening up. But, I happened to have some indoor/outdoor paint in an olive green, so that is what it will be. I've only just begun, though, so you'll have to wait for pictures of that, too!
This afternoon, I went to a baby shower for a first-time mom. It's so fun to look at the cute baby stuff! Then, this evening, we went to a housewarming for Bently's parents! Am I silly that I'm so proud of how well he's doing with his house training?! Dogs learn so quickly, and I'm amazed at how far he's come in such a short amount of time!
On to other random news: Coffee Crowd (the blog I "help" my mister with) hit 100 fans on facebook this week! My mister is all excited because we got a custom page name! If you like coffee (or you just want to be part of the "crowd"), you should join us! ;) I hope y'all are having a wonderful weekend!
I love the sound of this song! My favorite line is, "So tell me why I should run for cover at the sound of the coming thunder?" The melody makes me happy, and the words are good, too. I love all of NTB's stuff! :)
This week hasn't really been too eventful. I'm sorry to bore y'all! I mostly did typical Mom stuff like laundry & grocery shopping! I had a little bit of fun, though! When I sang with Dad at my childhood church, I received a gift card to LifeWay that I spent on this cute clock:

Now, if only I could get the rest of my fireplace mantel decorated! All I have is this on the other end:

& absolutely nothing in niche in the middle! My mister has plans for it that involve iron work & stained glass (did I mention that he's wanting to learn that art?)... Maybe it'll be done in a few years!
Anyways, back to my week...My friend Laura came over for coffee & scones on Wednesday. Then on Thursday, I stayed at home with my baby girl (who had a stomach ache). On Friday, I went shopping with Amy & Kyla for goodie bags ~ for yet another ladies' retreat that I won't be able to attend! I don't mind, though, because I like the challenge of a limited budget & a bag to fill!
Elly & I went shopping this morning, so I could find a few things for my latest projects. I had this idea for a fabric-covered, framed board with fun knobs to hang my necklaces on. Because I'm cheap, though, the fun knobs have become somewhat ordinary knobs. Can you believe that a pretty knob can run $12 or more?! Oh well! I hope to work on it soon, and I'll be sure to post pictures! My other project is a fresh coat of paint on a new-to-me patio table set from my friend Amy. I was going to keep it the same shade of green that it was, with just a little freshening up. But, I happened to have some indoor/outdoor paint in an olive green, so that is what it will be. I've only just begun, though, so you'll have to wait for pictures of that, too!
This afternoon, I went to a baby shower for a first-time mom. It's so fun to look at the cute baby stuff! Then, this evening, we went to a housewarming for Bently's parents! Am I silly that I'm so proud of how well he's doing with his house training?! Dogs learn so quickly, and I'm amazed at how far he's come in such a short amount of time!
On to other random news: Coffee Crowd (the blog I "help" my mister with) hit 100 fans on facebook this week! My mister is all excited because we got a custom page name! If you like coffee (or you just want to be part of the "crowd"), you should join us! ;) I hope y'all are having a wonderful weekend!

can't wait to see your project!