"He Will State the Obvious (Captain Obvious Theme)"
(by Songs To Wear Pants To) 
OK, this MISspeak is really just a silly case of stating the obvious, but I had to share...
For Thanksgiving, my family went to my brother's house. After dinner, we were carving up the turkey to send home with various family members. We took a little bit of the meat outside to feed to one of the cats. While he was feasting, one of their other cats came over and watched him (drooling a little bit & looking up at me with a very sad face, because he didn't have any turkey meat). Not wanting him to feel left out, I went in and got more turkey to feed the second cat. When I got back outside, he was patiently waiting for me to return with his meat.
When I stepped back inside the house, I said, "Cats are different from dogs!" The room got quiet, and everybody stared at me awkwardly. My dad said, "That's my girl!" {But what he probably meant by that was, "Thank you, Captain Obvious!"}
For the record, I am well aware (& always have been) that cats & dogs are quite different from each other. What I meant in this particular instance is that cats seem to be less territorial with their food, or at least my brother's cats are! I have seen dogs be quite aggressive when it comes to food & another dog, but these cats weren't that way at all! I just should have phrased my brilliant insight a little differently!
Have you ever stated something that was blatantly obvious?
OK, this MISspeak is really just a silly case of stating the obvious, but I had to share...
For Thanksgiving, my family went to my brother's house. After dinner, we were carving up the turkey to send home with various family members. We took a little bit of the meat outside to feed to one of the cats. While he was feasting, one of their other cats came over and watched him (drooling a little bit & looking up at me with a very sad face, because he didn't have any turkey meat). Not wanting him to feel left out, I went in and got more turkey to feed the second cat. When I got back outside, he was patiently waiting for me to return with his meat.
When I stepped back inside the house, I said, "Cats are different from dogs!" The room got quiet, and everybody stared at me awkwardly. My dad said, "That's my girl!" {But what he probably meant by that was, "Thank you, Captain Obvious!"}
For the record, I am well aware (& always have been) that cats & dogs are quite different from each other. What I meant in this particular instance is that cats seem to be less territorial with their food, or at least my brother's cats are! I have seen dogs be quite aggressive when it comes to food & another dog, but these cats weren't that way at all! I just should have phrased my brilliant insight a little differently!
Have you ever stated something that was blatantly obvious?

its similar to Daniel and the lion's den. we're called to obey our government b/c God has put them in a position of power UNLESS they ask us to do something that goes against God.
Now my family says that to each other when someone has stated something obvious ;)