"Sleigh Ride"

(by Relient K) Relient k - Let It Snow Baby... Let It Reindeer - Sleigh Ride

Relient K "Sleigh Ride" from Gotee Records on Vimeo.

It's that time of the year when all we hear is Christmas music! Some people aren't generally excited about stores trying to force them into the "holiday spirit" & make them buy stuff, but I'm cool with it. I was pretty excited to bust out the Let It Snow, Baby... Let It Reindeer album by Relient K. It's my absolute favorite Christmas album ever, & the kids love it, too. So, that's what we've been listening to quite a bit! What's your favorite Christmas song &/or album?

{Oh ya, if you didn't see my post yesterday, you should totally check it out ~>it has SNOW pictures!!}


Brooke said…
i've been listening to pandora.com at work - with a mix of contemporary Christian stuff.

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