"Hold onto Hope Love"
(by Amy Stroup)
Thanks to all the free musical holiday samplers out there, I've discovered my new favorite artist: Amy Stroup! I love LOVE love her ~ and not 'cuz she's got the best first name on the planet! ;) If you like her sound, you can get a few songs for free! There's not a direct link, but go here & click "View A-Z" then click "Next" until you get to hers (it's alphabetical by first name). Then tell 5 friends about her. Sorry, I don't know another way to get it free; but, you can at least see if you really like her that way! I'm pretty sure you'll really like her ~ maybe even love her! I have a feeling that her winter song is gonna show up here on Saturday! I got that free, but I can't give you the link to that one (since it was a Mocha Club Members' thing).
But, I can share the links to some other free holiday samplers! You may already know about these, but I'm letting you know just in case you didn't! Are you ready for this?! Thanks to my bloggy friend Brooke, I found out about Amazon's 25 Days of Free (& they also have tons more free music that you can find just by typing "free" in the search bar). Readers Digest has a free digital issue, & on page 36 is a link to download 12 Christmas songs. It's kinda old school, but classic can be good if you like that sort of thing! iTunes has free stuff all of the time, but there are currently some holiday tunes. I was able to download an entire holiday sampler album, but I don't think it's on there anymore. {I'm sorry I didn't let you know sooner!} One final offer that made me happy is from NEEDTOBREATHE & other artists. It's not Christmas music, but they're giving it away because of the holiday. You can get it here by giving them your email address.
Alright, well I'm off to do some scrapbooking today! Then, my beautiful cousin Kendra is coming later on!! If you didn't see the video of my cute kids, you should totally read the post before this!
Thanks to all the free musical holiday samplers out there, I've discovered my new favorite artist: Amy Stroup! I love LOVE love her ~ and not 'cuz she's got the best first name on the planet! ;) If you like her sound, you can get a few songs for free! There's not a direct link, but go here & click "View A-Z" then click "Next" until you get to hers (it's alphabetical by first name). Then tell 5 friends about her. Sorry, I don't know another way to get it free; but, you can at least see if you really like her that way! I'm pretty sure you'll really like her ~ maybe even love her! I have a feeling that her winter song is gonna show up here on Saturday! I got that free, but I can't give you the link to that one (since it was a Mocha Club Members' thing).
But, I can share the links to some other free holiday samplers! You may already know about these, but I'm letting you know just in case you didn't! Are you ready for this?! Thanks to my bloggy friend Brooke, I found out about Amazon's 25 Days of Free (& they also have tons more free music that you can find just by typing "free" in the search bar). Readers Digest has a free digital issue, & on page 36 is a link to download 12 Christmas songs. It's kinda old school, but classic can be good if you like that sort of thing! iTunes has free stuff all of the time, but there are currently some holiday tunes. I was able to download an entire holiday sampler album, but I don't think it's on there anymore. {I'm sorry I didn't let you know sooner!} One final offer that made me happy is from NEEDTOBREATHE & other artists. It's not Christmas music, but they're giving it away because of the holiday. You can get it here by giving them your email address.
Alright, well I'm off to do some scrapbooking today! Then, my beautiful cousin Kendra is coming later on!! If you didn't see the video of my cute kids, you should totally read the post before this!