"Love Alone is Worth the Fight"
(by Switchfoot)
I don't think I've posted any Switchfoot songs from their latest album. I don't know what's wrong with me!
This has been a nice week! As you probably already know, my kids started school this week. There weren't any major schedule glitches or bus delays, so this was a smoother start than the past couple of years! With the kids back in school, I don't feel guilty going to work every day. So that's nice!
There were a few great things that happened this week...
...I received three bits of yummy goodness in one day! I failed to take a picture of the cookie from Wade and the six-pack of cinnamon rolls from Neil, but I did take a picture of the chocolate that John went all the way to the Dominican Republic to get me! :)

...I got to meet a sweet little baby girl! Her dad Michael works with Christopher, and he & Tina have been coming to our church for about a year. I think they're coming over for Labor Day tomorrow!

...I was blessed to enjoy a couple of conversations with my 92-year-old neighbor who waves at his neighbors as we drive by! I've been waving at him for months and finally took the time to stop and tell him how happy it makes me to see him every morning. I was honored and brought to tears to discover that he prays for us as we drive by! I now make it a habit to stop when I can, because I'd like to do what I can to bless him in return for the blessing that he is to me! ♥

...I visited Nichole and her kids at their new home! We enjoyed coffee on her balcony while looking out over a farm and the river. It was basically perfect! :) Plus, Nichole is such an authentic, beautiful friend who I enjoy spending time with!

...Misty & I met up for coffee yesterday morning! She's one of my girls {one of the original ones} who was a student in our youth group back in the day & now works at NASA! I saw her at her & Rob's housewarming recently, but we haven't gotten together in way too long on our own. It was so nice to catch up with her!

...We have officially begun looking for a new-to-me car! Baby girl is getting Silvie when she gets her license (in October), so I'm on the hunt for an SUV for me! I'll let you know how it goes...
Alrighty, I'm off to Jana's to watch some recorded Jen Hatmaker shows! I hope y'all have a great Labor Day as well as the week ahead! ♥
I don't think I've posted any Switchfoot songs from their latest album. I don't know what's wrong with me!
This has been a nice week! As you probably already know, my kids started school this week. There weren't any major schedule glitches or bus delays, so this was a smoother start than the past couple of years! With the kids back in school, I don't feel guilty going to work every day. So that's nice!
There were a few great things that happened this week...
...I received three bits of yummy goodness in one day! I failed to take a picture of the cookie from Wade and the six-pack of cinnamon rolls from Neil, but I did take a picture of the chocolate that John went all the way to the Dominican Republic to get me! :)

...I got to meet a sweet little baby girl! Her dad Michael works with Christopher, and he & Tina have been coming to our church for about a year. I think they're coming over for Labor Day tomorrow!

...I was blessed to enjoy a couple of conversations with my 92-year-old neighbor who waves at his neighbors as we drive by! I've been waving at him for months and finally took the time to stop and tell him how happy it makes me to see him every morning. I was honored and brought to tears to discover that he prays for us as we drive by! I now make it a habit to stop when I can, because I'd like to do what I can to bless him in return for the blessing that he is to me! ♥
...I visited Nichole and her kids at their new home! We enjoyed coffee on her balcony while looking out over a farm and the river. It was basically perfect! :) Plus, Nichole is such an authentic, beautiful friend who I enjoy spending time with!
...Misty & I met up for coffee yesterday morning! She's one of my girls {one of the original ones} who was a student in our youth group back in the day & now works at NASA! I saw her at her & Rob's housewarming recently, but we haven't gotten together in way too long on our own. It was so nice to catch up with her!
...We have officially begun looking for a new-to-me car! Baby girl is getting Silvie when she gets her license (in October), so I'm on the hunt for an SUV for me! I'll let you know how it goes...
Alrighty, I'm off to Jana's to watch some recorded Jen Hatmaker shows! I hope y'all have a great Labor Day as well as the week ahead! ♥