"All the Poor and Powerless"
(by All Sons & Daughters)
There's no particular reason for today's song other than the fact that I love All Sons & Daughters and haven't posted this one yet! :)
And now for another post where I catch you up on the past few weeks...
We co-hosted National Night Out with Kristi's family for the 6th year in a row! We had around 35 of our neighbors come over for a little ice cream social! ü

Cody had a meet clear on the other side of Houston a couple of weeks ago. Though it was a struggle to get up earlier than usual, I got to see this gorgeous sunrise!

Cody finished 5th on of his team of 10 and around 30th of 150+ overall!

We watched Evie Kate one night, and the following picture shows how she feels about Dulce! ;)

{not one bit interested in rubbing her belly!}
Speaking of Dulce, she must think she's a parrot because she perches on our shoulders a lot!

We had another youth event last weekend! One girl brought a friend who is three days older than Elly, and her brother is one day younger than Cody! Weird, huh? That's totally unrelated to the following pictures, but I just had to share...

Cody's District meet took place on Thursday! His team finished 3rd and is headed to Regionals!!

This was the only meet that Cody ran with Alex & Isaac's school this year. Matt (our new Youth Associate) and Aaron came out to support our boys!

Cody placed 23rd and was the first finishing freshman on varsity. {Alex & Ike's team had some faster freshmen on JV, but their team is crazy awesome overall!}

In addition to Elizabeth's birthday festivities, we had a pretty full weekend...
Our Fall Fest was on Saturday...

Lindsay & I celebrated Laurien's birthday by taking her out to dinner and spending some time at CityCentre...

Our missionary partners in Romania were at church on Sunday...

And my adorable little neighbor was baptized!

I hope y'all are having a super great week! ♥
There's no particular reason for today's song other than the fact that I love All Sons & Daughters and haven't posted this one yet! :)
And now for another post where I catch you up on the past few weeks...
We co-hosted National Night Out with Kristi's family for the 6th year in a row! We had around 35 of our neighbors come over for a little ice cream social! ü

Cody had a meet clear on the other side of Houston a couple of weeks ago. Though it was a struggle to get up earlier than usual, I got to see this gorgeous sunrise!

Cody finished 5th on of his team of 10 and around 30th of 150+ overall!

We watched Evie Kate one night, and the following picture shows how she feels about Dulce! ;)

{not one bit interested in rubbing her belly!}
Speaking of Dulce, she must think she's a parrot because she perches on our shoulders a lot!

We had another youth event last weekend! One girl brought a friend who is three days older than Elly, and her brother is one day younger than Cody! Weird, huh? That's totally unrelated to the following pictures, but I just had to share...

Cody's District meet took place on Thursday! His team finished 3rd and is headed to Regionals!!

This was the only meet that Cody ran with Alex & Isaac's school this year. Matt (our new Youth Associate) and Aaron came out to support our boys!

In addition to Elizabeth's birthday festivities, we had a pretty full weekend...
Our Fall Fest was on Saturday...

Lindsay & I celebrated Laurien's birthday by taking her out to dinner and spending some time at CityCentre...

Our missionary partners in Romania were at church on Sunday...

And my adorable little neighbor was baptized!

I hope y'all are having a super great week! ♥